Friday, December 12, 2008

Government not bailing out auto industry

I don't like the idea that the US Government doesn't want to bail out the auto industry. I believe the auto company's are setting on a pile of money. Plus they ask the employees to take a pay cut. Thats fine if those employees don't want to go from 28 dollars down to say $20, I'm sure there are plenty of people that would take that job. 20 dollars an hours is more then I make, its better then nothing. Also I never heard anything about the Ceo's of GMC and Chrysler to take a pay cut, these guys make millions of dollars. Let the Ceo's take the first cut , there the ones that ran the business in the ground any way.
While I'm on the subject we should have never bailed out the banks. How hard is it to start up a bank, let them fail. Now an auto company would be hard to start up. No one today could start an automobile manufacturing plant.
Let the professional ball players bail them out they make millions a year. Or may iraq could bail them out, The car industry was what made the middle east.

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