Bronze trophies
Ready for Battle: Complete Weapons Training - Completed weapons training in prologue.
In Your Face - First Brutal Melee.
No Witnesses: Destroy All Dropships on the Highway - Destroyed all dropships on the highway.
Mopping Up: Kill 40 or more Helghast foot soldiers on the Beach..
Sawn Off: Destroy All Chasing APCs - Destroyed all chasing SawBlade APCs in Senlin Beach section.
Smoking Wrecks Destroy all Tanks on Senlin - Destroyed all the Helghast Tanks in the Senlin Beach Section.
Turn the Tables: Melee Kill a Capture Trooper - Killed a Capture Trooper using Melee.
Spiky Personality: Kill a Helghast using a Burster - Killed a Helghast by shooting a Burster plant.
Minigunned Destroy All Targets - Destory everything while using a minigun on the Intruder..
Quick Exit: Escape the oil rig quickly - Got off the 2nd rig within 2 minutes..
Shattered: Destroy all the glass in the Labs - Destroyed all the glass panels in the Stahl Arms South labortories..
Pinpoint: Kill the Heavy with an StA-14 - Killed the Heavy using the StA-14 rifle.
Evening the Odds - Kill 500 Helghast.
Cagefighter - Kill 10 Helghast with Brutal Melee.
Frag Out - Kill 3 Helghast with 1 fragmentation grenade.
One Each - Shot and killed 3 Helghast using the shotgun pistol without reloading or switching weapons.
Eagle Eye - Shot and killed 6 Helghast using the Sniper Rifle without reloading or switching weapons.
Power Spike - Used the Boltgunn to nail and Helghast to an exploding object.
Up Close and Personal - Use Brutal Melee move against another player.
Team Player - Joined and completed a match as a part of a squad.
Medic! - Revived a friendly player for the first time.
Handy Man - Repaired an object for the first time.
Now You See Me - Killed another player while cloaked.
Spy Game - Killed another player while disguised.
Turf War - Capture a Tactical Spawn Point for the first time.
Silver trophies
Now it’s Personal - Kill 1,000 Helghast.
Fight to the Last - Kill 1,500 Helghast.
Closed Quarters Killer - Kill 25 Helghast with Brutal Melee.
Hand to Hand Master - Kill 50 Helghast with Brutal Melee.
Gold trophies
Victory - Completed the Campaign on Elite Difficulty.
Grand Slam - Won a match in Operation, Warzone & Guerilla Warfare modes.
Platinum trophy
Platinum trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
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Showing posts with label The PS3. Show all posts
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dead Space 2 PS3 Cheats
Level bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding level online:
Solid Army Green Suit - Level 04
Line Gun - Level 07
Solid Red Suit - Level 08
Force Gun - Level 11
Solid Black Suit - Level 13
Increased Magazine Size (Plasma Cutter) - Level 14
Solid Olive Suit - Level 16
Seeker Rifle - Level 17
Urban Camo Blue Suit - Level 20
Urban Camo Army Green Suit - Level 23
Increased Magazine Size (Line Gun) - Level 25
Urban Camo Red Suit - Level 26
Javelin Gun - Level 28
Increased Magazine Size (Force Gun) - Level 29
Urban Camo Military - Level 32
Increased Magazine Size (Seeker Rifle) - Level 33
Increased Weapon Damage (Plasma Cutter) - Level 34
Urban Camo Olive Suit - Level 36
Tiger Camo Blue Suit - Level 41
Increased Weapon Damage (Line Gun) - Level 42
Increased Magazine Size (Javelin Gun) - Level 44
Tiger Camo Army Green Suit - Level 45
Increased Weapon Damage (Force Gun) - Level 46
Tiger Camo Red Suit - Level 49
Increased Damage (Seeker Rifle) - Level 50
Tiger Camo Military Suit - Level 52
War Torn Suit - Level 56
Increased Weapon Damage (Javelin Gun) - Level 57
Visceral Games Suit - Level 59
Infinite Semi-conductors, Nodes, And Money:
In Chapter 15, go to the final room where there is a store and save point. Then, go back down the corridor and enter the room with the two power nodes, a Ruby Semiconductor and some other items. Collect all of the items and return to the save point. Save the game, the reload it. Go back to the locked Node room and the items will be there again. Collect them again and repeat this as desired. You can also do this in chapters 6 & 7.
Hand cannon:
Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty setting and upgrade the plasma pistol. Go to the first shop to find the one hit kill hand cannon. This weapon resembles a foam finger, and when fired Isaac makes "Bang Bang" and "Pew Pew Pew" sounds.
Prequel bonuses:
Complete Dead Space: Ignition in single-player Ignition mode to unlock the Hacker suit, a Hacker-themed Contact Beam weapon skin, exclusive audio logs, and extra power nodes, health packs, and credits.
Refurbished Plasma Cutter:
Have a saved game file from the original Dead Space to unlock the ability to purchase the Refurbished Plasma Cutter from the store at the start of the game.
Unlockable suits:
Unlock the following suits by performing the corresponding tasks:
Arctic Security Suit - Complete the game under the Zealot difficulty to unlock it at the store
Elite Advanced Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 11. When the yellow lift reaches the top, turn around to find it on the ledge between the elevator and wall.
Elite Engineer Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 2, just before the first short outer space section.
Elite Riot Suit - Purchase at the store in New Game + mode or log into the same EA account in the iPod/iPhone Dead Space game.
Elite Security Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 9. After you exit the tram, search over the railing.
Elite Vintage Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 6. Search the area where you fight the tank before the end of the chapter.
Hacker Suit - Have a saved game file from Dead Space - Ignition to unlock it at the store.
Soldier Suit - Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty to unlock it at the store.
Hardcore difficulty:
Complete Campaign mode to unlock the Hardcore difficulty setting. This mode only allows you to restart from the last save game and only three save slots for the entire campaign will be available. You also cannot start this difficulty from the "New Game +" option.
New Game + mode:
Complete Campaign mode and load the cleared saved game file. This mode allows access to your all the weapons and items in the store and your inventory.
Chapter 7: Peng's treasure:
Find the mainframe room where ANTI is located. The circuit room that is to the left has breakers that also turn blue in addition to green or red. Insert the four breakers in that circuit room to change them to blue. Follow the access tunnel to reach Peng's Treasure.
Chapter 7: Respec:
Isaac can re-spec his weapons, stasis module, and RIG at the start of the chapter. Note: Each item re-spec costs 5,000 CR.
Extraction: Change weapons:
Note: This only affects the current level. Exit to the main menu, then return to the level. You can use the the weapon loadout screen to change weapons. You will resume with the default ammunition for that weapon. Note: You can only select the left special weapon; the other two special weapons are deleted from your inventory.
Extraction: Expert and Impossible difficulty:
Complete Chapter 10 "Secrets And Salvation" to unlock the Expert and Impossible difficulty settings.
How to kill Stalkers:
Use the Line Gun against Stalkers. Find an area to hide and then wait and aim. They will pop out and run at you.
Restoring health:
To restore your health, use the shop and the work bench. When you wear a suit for the first time your health will be restored.
To restore your health, purchase the Respec ability for 5,000 credits. Remove the Power Nodes from the Rig and replace them to receive full health.
Use the shop and the work bench to restore your health. When you wear a suit for the first time your health is refilled.
Purchase the Respec ability for 5,000 credits. Remove the Power Nodes from the Rig and replace them for full health.
Unlimited credits:
To get unlimited credits, purchase the Supernova or Martial Law downloadable content. Go to the store and purchase the Detonator weapon for free. Fire the mines at a wall, then deactivate them and collect them. Do not reload the Detonator. Sell the mines and Detonator for credits at the store. Buy the Detonator back for free and it will be fully stocked. Repeat as desired.
Schematic locations:
Find the following schematics in the corresponding locations:
Chapter 2
Power Node: Found in the first Power Node locked room you find. You can open the locked door with a Power Node. One can be found on the ground through the door to the left of the closet.
Hacker Suit: Found at the end of the tram walkway area, near the location you encounter the Fire Sack Necromorphs.
Stasis Pack: Found on the tracks by where the flaming train passes you for the first time.
Chapter 3
Pulse Rifle: Once you are out of the train, it is in a corner just behind where the train is hanging.
Javelin Spears: Found behind the big marker statue towards the windows on the left.
Chapter 4
Security Suit: Found on the top shelf of the room just past the door that you must slow down to walk through.
Chapter 5
Ripper: In the multi level room, ride the elevator down, then go to the right side of the room.
Medium Health Pack: After turning off the gravity and going through the holes in the ceiling, it will be floating in the middle of the room.
Line Gun Ammo: After crawling through the duct and falling, you will go through a storage room. You will find it behind some shelves on the right side.
Detonator: Found in a room at the top of the church by the save station.
Chapter 6
Seeker Rifle: On the path at the start of the chapter, enter the door to the right. You will be on a balcony and the schematic will be on the far right side on the ground.
Pulse Rounds: When you first meet Ellie, she will unlock the gate. Instead of going through the gate behind her, follow the path around to the right where it is blocked by debris
Flame Thrower: After you exit the gym, follow the path and go into the classroom to find the "Kids Gone Crazy" text log. In that same room, there is a smaller room on the right side with blood on the wall. The schematic is on the ground.
Chapter 7
Ripper Blades: At the start of the chapter when you enter zero gravity, the schematic will be floating at the bottom of the room.
Force Gun: After you exit the elevator, turn left. You will find some yellow lockers. The schematic in the second locker from the left.
Contact Beam: The schematic is in the locked closet to the left of the location where you first see the save station on the wall. Use a Power Node to open the closet and get it.
Chapter 8
Vintage Suit: Found in the first locked door in this chapter.
Detonator Mines: When you first talk to Ellie and Stross, go to the next room, and take a left. The schematic is beside a body.
Large Med Pack: Found in the room where you first meet Ellie. It is located past the table in the corner. Use kinesis to move the table.
Chapter 9
Flame Fuel: When you encounter the laser traps, take a right from where they were located. You will see a few crates lying around. Use kinesis to move them to find the schematic and an audio log.
Seeker Shells: Found behind the guardian mounted near the exit door of the room where you fight Stalkers and Cysts.
Chapter 10
Force Energy: When you reach the zero gravity area, go to the lower level to find it on the ground.
Chapter 11
Contact Energy: In the zero gravity station where you move the lasers to gain access to the shaft that leads inside, look outside from the inside of the shaft to find it.
Advanced Suit: Enter the locked room opposite of the detonator mines trap. The schematic is inside this room, but you need a Power Node to open this locked room.
Hidden Necromorph messages:
Move around the menu areas to find the following hidden messages. Use the Right Analog-stick to look around the menu areas.
Main menu
Upper left: "In the end, It all comes down to just one little thing..."
Bottom right: "Unity after death, Unity forever."
Single Player menu
Upper left: "Your body now, Our body later, One body forever"
Multiplayer menu
Upper middle: "It's not over between us, you can't run from me forever"
Bottom middle Make us Whole"
Quick Match menu
Bottom right: "We must believe in it and bend ourselves to its will and then it will heal us"
Leaderboard menu
Right: "The answer is in chicxulub"
Extra menu
Left: "Welcome back Nicole Brennan"
Controller Map menu
Bottom right: "Let us fear nothing. Death is only a transition to the unity beyond"
Bronze trophies
Made Us Whole - Complete the game on any difficulty setting.
Romper Stomper - Stomp 10 Containers.
Vacuum Cleaner - Decompress 20 Necromorphs without getting sucked out yourself.
...And Stay Down - Kill 25 crawling enemies with Stomp (single player only).
Think Fast - Kill 30 Necromorphs with Kinesis objects.
The Nanny - Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them.
Frozen in Time - Kill 50 Necromorphs while they are in Stasis (single player only).
First Aid - Use Quick Heal ten times (single player only).
Looking good - Purchase the Advanced Suit.
Fully Outfitted - Upgrade your RIG and Stasis completely.
Picking favorites - Upgrade 1 Weapon completely.
Fully Loaded - Simultaneously have four completely upgraded weapons.
The Sampler Platter - Kill a Necromorph with every Weapon in the game (single player only)..
Lightspeed de Milo - Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue.
The Librarian - Collect 100 logs.
My Boom Stick - Kill 6 enemies at once with Line Gun's Alt-Fire (single player only).
Shock Therapy - Impale an enemy with the Javelin Gun and use its Alt-Fire to shock 3 others (single player only).
Lawnmower Man - Kill 4 enemies with the same Ripper blade.
It's a Trap! - Kill 20 enemies with Detonator Mines in a deployed state.
Necro Flambé - Kill 50 enemies using the Flamethrower.
Peek a Boo! - Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode.
C-Section - Knock down an enemy with Contact Beam Alt-Fire then kill it with Primary Fire befire it stands up.
Going for Distance - Imaple an enemy and make him fly through the air for 17 meters - it must stick to the surface.
Taste of your own Medicine - TK Impale a live Slasher to a surface using a Slasher's arm - it must stick to the surface.
Skewered in Space - Impale an emey into a Decompression Window to cause it to blow out.
Clean Cut - Sever all three tentacles of a Lurker with one Line Gun Primary Fire shot (single player only).
Brute Juke - Kill a Brute without taking damage.
Shoot the Limbs! - Dismember 25 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
Bouncing Betty - Kill a Cyst by catching its Mine and throwing it back.
Patient on the Loose - Get your first Suit.
Derailed - Survive the Train Sequence.
One Small Step - Get through the first Zero-G area.
Clever Girls - Survive your first encounter with Stalkers.
Torment Me No More - Kill the Tormentor.
The Graduate - Win the fight at the School.
Elevator Action - Knock off every Tripod during the Eleveator Sequence.
Shut Down - Defeat the AI.
Powered Up - Complete the Solar Array Puzzle.
Hornet's Nest - Destroy the Tripod Nest.
Operation! - Snare the Shard with the Ishimura.
Knock Knock - Complete the Drill Ride.
The Final Sacrifice - Destroy the Marker.
Cross your Heart, Hope to Die - Survive the Eye Poke Machine.
Silver trophies
Epic Dismemberment - Dismember 2,500 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
Collect Peng - Find the Peng treasure.
The Electrician - Collect 10 Semiconductors.
The Engineer - Collect 10 Schematics.
Gold trophies
Mission Impossible - Complete the game on Zealot setting.
Hard to the Core - Complete the game on Hard Core setting.
The Fugitive - Escape the Facility.
Platinum trophy
The Final Frontier - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding level online:
Solid Army Green Suit - Level 04
Line Gun - Level 07
Solid Red Suit - Level 08
Force Gun - Level 11
Solid Black Suit - Level 13
Increased Magazine Size (Plasma Cutter) - Level 14
Solid Olive Suit - Level 16
Seeker Rifle - Level 17
Urban Camo Blue Suit - Level 20
Urban Camo Army Green Suit - Level 23
Increased Magazine Size (Line Gun) - Level 25
Urban Camo Red Suit - Level 26
Javelin Gun - Level 28
Increased Magazine Size (Force Gun) - Level 29
Urban Camo Military - Level 32
Increased Magazine Size (Seeker Rifle) - Level 33
Increased Weapon Damage (Plasma Cutter) - Level 34
Urban Camo Olive Suit - Level 36
Tiger Camo Blue Suit - Level 41
Increased Weapon Damage (Line Gun) - Level 42
Increased Magazine Size (Javelin Gun) - Level 44
Tiger Camo Army Green Suit - Level 45
Increased Weapon Damage (Force Gun) - Level 46
Tiger Camo Red Suit - Level 49
Increased Damage (Seeker Rifle) - Level 50
Tiger Camo Military Suit - Level 52
War Torn Suit - Level 56
Increased Weapon Damage (Javelin Gun) - Level 57
Visceral Games Suit - Level 59
Infinite Semi-conductors, Nodes, And Money:
In Chapter 15, go to the final room where there is a store and save point. Then, go back down the corridor and enter the room with the two power nodes, a Ruby Semiconductor and some other items. Collect all of the items and return to the save point. Save the game, the reload it. Go back to the locked Node room and the items will be there again. Collect them again and repeat this as desired. You can also do this in chapters 6 & 7.
Hand cannon:
Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty setting and upgrade the plasma pistol. Go to the first shop to find the one hit kill hand cannon. This weapon resembles a foam finger, and when fired Isaac makes "Bang Bang" and "Pew Pew Pew" sounds.
Prequel bonuses:
Complete Dead Space: Ignition in single-player Ignition mode to unlock the Hacker suit, a Hacker-themed Contact Beam weapon skin, exclusive audio logs, and extra power nodes, health packs, and credits.
Refurbished Plasma Cutter:
Have a saved game file from the original Dead Space to unlock the ability to purchase the Refurbished Plasma Cutter from the store at the start of the game.
Unlockable suits:
Unlock the following suits by performing the corresponding tasks:
Arctic Security Suit - Complete the game under the Zealot difficulty to unlock it at the store
Elite Advanced Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 11. When the yellow lift reaches the top, turn around to find it on the ledge between the elevator and wall.
Elite Engineer Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 2, just before the first short outer space section.
Elite Riot Suit - Purchase at the store in New Game + mode or log into the same EA account in the iPod/iPhone Dead Space game.
Elite Security Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 9. After you exit the tram, search over the railing.
Elite Vintage Suit - Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 6. Search the area where you fight the tank before the end of the chapter.
Hacker Suit - Have a saved game file from Dead Space - Ignition to unlock it at the store.
Soldier Suit - Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty to unlock it at the store.
Hardcore difficulty:
Complete Campaign mode to unlock the Hardcore difficulty setting. This mode only allows you to restart from the last save game and only three save slots for the entire campaign will be available. You also cannot start this difficulty from the "New Game +" option.
New Game + mode:
Complete Campaign mode and load the cleared saved game file. This mode allows access to your all the weapons and items in the store and your inventory.
Chapter 7: Peng's treasure:
Find the mainframe room where ANTI is located. The circuit room that is to the left has breakers that also turn blue in addition to green or red. Insert the four breakers in that circuit room to change them to blue. Follow the access tunnel to reach Peng's Treasure.
Chapter 7: Respec:
Isaac can re-spec his weapons, stasis module, and RIG at the start of the chapter. Note: Each item re-spec costs 5,000 CR.
Extraction: Change weapons:
Note: This only affects the current level. Exit to the main menu, then return to the level. You can use the the weapon loadout screen to change weapons. You will resume with the default ammunition for that weapon. Note: You can only select the left special weapon; the other two special weapons are deleted from your inventory.
Extraction: Expert and Impossible difficulty:
Complete Chapter 10 "Secrets And Salvation" to unlock the Expert and Impossible difficulty settings.
How to kill Stalkers:
Use the Line Gun against Stalkers. Find an area to hide and then wait and aim. They will pop out and run at you.
Restoring health:
To restore your health, use the shop and the work bench. When you wear a suit for the first time your health will be restored.
To restore your health, purchase the Respec ability for 5,000 credits. Remove the Power Nodes from the Rig and replace them to receive full health.
Use the shop and the work bench to restore your health. When you wear a suit for the first time your health is refilled.
Purchase the Respec ability for 5,000 credits. Remove the Power Nodes from the Rig and replace them for full health.
Unlimited credits:
To get unlimited credits, purchase the Supernova or Martial Law downloadable content. Go to the store and purchase the Detonator weapon for free. Fire the mines at a wall, then deactivate them and collect them. Do not reload the Detonator. Sell the mines and Detonator for credits at the store. Buy the Detonator back for free and it will be fully stocked. Repeat as desired.
Schematic locations:
Find the following schematics in the corresponding locations:
Chapter 2
Power Node: Found in the first Power Node locked room you find. You can open the locked door with a Power Node. One can be found on the ground through the door to the left of the closet.
Hacker Suit: Found at the end of the tram walkway area, near the location you encounter the Fire Sack Necromorphs.
Stasis Pack: Found on the tracks by where the flaming train passes you for the first time.
Chapter 3
Pulse Rifle: Once you are out of the train, it is in a corner just behind where the train is hanging.
Javelin Spears: Found behind the big marker statue towards the windows on the left.
Chapter 4
Security Suit: Found on the top shelf of the room just past the door that you must slow down to walk through.
Chapter 5
Ripper: In the multi level room, ride the elevator down, then go to the right side of the room.
Medium Health Pack: After turning off the gravity and going through the holes in the ceiling, it will be floating in the middle of the room.
Line Gun Ammo: After crawling through the duct and falling, you will go through a storage room. You will find it behind some shelves on the right side.
Detonator: Found in a room at the top of the church by the save station.
Chapter 6
Seeker Rifle: On the path at the start of the chapter, enter the door to the right. You will be on a balcony and the schematic will be on the far right side on the ground.
Pulse Rounds: When you first meet Ellie, she will unlock the gate. Instead of going through the gate behind her, follow the path around to the right where it is blocked by debris
Flame Thrower: After you exit the gym, follow the path and go into the classroom to find the "Kids Gone Crazy" text log. In that same room, there is a smaller room on the right side with blood on the wall. The schematic is on the ground.
Chapter 7
Ripper Blades: At the start of the chapter when you enter zero gravity, the schematic will be floating at the bottom of the room.
Force Gun: After you exit the elevator, turn left. You will find some yellow lockers. The schematic in the second locker from the left.
Contact Beam: The schematic is in the locked closet to the left of the location where you first see the save station on the wall. Use a Power Node to open the closet and get it.
Chapter 8
Vintage Suit: Found in the first locked door in this chapter.
Detonator Mines: When you first talk to Ellie and Stross, go to the next room, and take a left. The schematic is beside a body.
Large Med Pack: Found in the room where you first meet Ellie. It is located past the table in the corner. Use kinesis to move the table.
Chapter 9
Flame Fuel: When you encounter the laser traps, take a right from where they were located. You will see a few crates lying around. Use kinesis to move them to find the schematic and an audio log.
Seeker Shells: Found behind the guardian mounted near the exit door of the room where you fight Stalkers and Cysts.
Chapter 10
Force Energy: When you reach the zero gravity area, go to the lower level to find it on the ground.
Chapter 11
Contact Energy: In the zero gravity station where you move the lasers to gain access to the shaft that leads inside, look outside from the inside of the shaft to find it.
Advanced Suit: Enter the locked room opposite of the detonator mines trap. The schematic is inside this room, but you need a Power Node to open this locked room.
Hidden Necromorph messages:
Move around the menu areas to find the following hidden messages. Use the Right Analog-stick to look around the menu areas.
Main menu
Upper left: "In the end, It all comes down to just one little thing..."
Bottom right: "Unity after death, Unity forever."
Single Player menu
Upper left: "Your body now, Our body later, One body forever"
Multiplayer menu
Upper middle: "It's not over between us, you can't run from me forever"
Bottom middle Make us Whole"
Quick Match menu
Bottom right: "We must believe in it and bend ourselves to its will and then it will heal us"
Leaderboard menu
Right: "The answer is in chicxulub"
Extra menu
Left: "Welcome back Nicole Brennan"
Controller Map menu
Bottom right: "Let us fear nothing. Death is only a transition to the unity beyond"
Bronze trophies
Made Us Whole - Complete the game on any difficulty setting.
Romper Stomper - Stomp 10 Containers.
Vacuum Cleaner - Decompress 20 Necromorphs without getting sucked out yourself.
...And Stay Down - Kill 25 crawling enemies with Stomp (single player only).
Think Fast - Kill 30 Necromorphs with Kinesis objects.
The Nanny - Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them.
Frozen in Time - Kill 50 Necromorphs while they are in Stasis (single player only).
First Aid - Use Quick Heal ten times (single player only).
Looking good - Purchase the Advanced Suit.
Fully Outfitted - Upgrade your RIG and Stasis completely.
Picking favorites - Upgrade 1 Weapon completely.
Fully Loaded - Simultaneously have four completely upgraded weapons.
The Sampler Platter - Kill a Necromorph with every Weapon in the game (single player only)..
Lightspeed de Milo - Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue.
The Librarian - Collect 100 logs.
My Boom Stick - Kill 6 enemies at once with Line Gun's Alt-Fire (single player only).
Shock Therapy - Impale an enemy with the Javelin Gun and use its Alt-Fire to shock 3 others (single player only).
Lawnmower Man - Kill 4 enemies with the same Ripper blade.
It's a Trap! - Kill 20 enemies with Detonator Mines in a deployed state.
Necro Flambé - Kill 50 enemies using the Flamethrower.
Peek a Boo! - Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode.
C-Section - Knock down an enemy with Contact Beam Alt-Fire then kill it with Primary Fire befire it stands up.
Going for Distance - Imaple an enemy and make him fly through the air for 17 meters - it must stick to the surface.
Taste of your own Medicine - TK Impale a live Slasher to a surface using a Slasher's arm - it must stick to the surface.
Skewered in Space - Impale an emey into a Decompression Window to cause it to blow out.
Clean Cut - Sever all three tentacles of a Lurker with one Line Gun Primary Fire shot (single player only).
Brute Juke - Kill a Brute without taking damage.
Shoot the Limbs! - Dismember 25 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
Bouncing Betty - Kill a Cyst by catching its Mine and throwing it back.
Patient on the Loose - Get your first Suit.
Derailed - Survive the Train Sequence.
One Small Step - Get through the first Zero-G area.
Clever Girls - Survive your first encounter with Stalkers.
Torment Me No More - Kill the Tormentor.
The Graduate - Win the fight at the School.
Elevator Action - Knock off every Tripod during the Eleveator Sequence.
Shut Down - Defeat the AI.
Powered Up - Complete the Solar Array Puzzle.
Hornet's Nest - Destroy the Tripod Nest.
Operation! - Snare the Shard with the Ishimura.
Knock Knock - Complete the Drill Ride.
The Final Sacrifice - Destroy the Marker.
Cross your Heart, Hope to Die - Survive the Eye Poke Machine.
Silver trophies
Epic Dismemberment - Dismember 2,500 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
Collect Peng - Find the Peng treasure.
The Electrician - Collect 10 Semiconductors.
The Engineer - Collect 10 Schematics.
Gold trophies
Mission Impossible - Complete the game on Zealot setting.
Hard to the Core - Complete the game on Hard Core setting.
The Fugitive - Escape the Facility.
Platinum trophy
The Final Frontier - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
Venetica PS3 Cheats & Codes
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PS3 Cheats,
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Monday, January 10, 2011
Lego Rock Band PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
New to the Scene - Complete your first gig on the World Tour.
Tour de Force - Play at every venue on the World Tour.
Long-Distance Rocker - Complete the Rock Marathon Setlist on the World Tour.
Got Wheels - Purchase the 2nd vehicle on the World Tour.
Sea Legs - Purchase the 3rd vehicle on the World Tour.
Rotary Club - Purchase the 4th vehicle on the World Tour.
Open Road - Purchase the 5th vehicle on the World Tour.
Walking on Air - Purchase the 6th vehicle on the World Tour.
Into the Deep - Purchase the 7th vehicle on the World Tour.
Jet Setter - Purchase the 8th vehicle on the World Tour.
Teleportation Nation - Unlock the Teleporter on the World Tour.
Rock the House Down - Complete the Wreck 'n' Roll Rock Power Challenge.
Pencil Pusher - Hire a Band Manager.
You're Hired! - Hire an Entourage member.
Hovel, Sweet Hovel - Purchase one item of rock den furniture.
House Proud - Spend 100,000 studs on rock den furniture.
Bare Essentials - Purchase an item of clothing.
Appetite for Apparel - Spend 100,000 studs or more on items of clothing.
Gear Head - Purchase an instrument.
Local Legend - Get 100 fans.
Twinkle, Twinkle - Get 100 Stars.
Flawless Fretwork - Score 100% notes hit as a Guitarist.
Flawless Drumming - Score 100% notes hit as a Drummer.
Flawless Singing - Score a 100% rating as a Vocalist.
Flawless Groove - Score 100% notes hit as a Bassist.
Stud Farm - Achieve a 100% Stud Recovery during a performance.
Brian MAY Be Jealous - 100% a guitar solo on Expert.
All Four One! - Complete a song with four band members.
The School of Shock - Complete the Shock Band Rock Power Challenge.
Kickin The Tentacles - Complete the Rocktopus Rock Power Challenge.
Roadie Revolution - Hire a Road Crew.
Rain King - Complete the Rock the Crop Rock Power Challenge.
Royal Command Performance - Complete the Kings of Rock 'n' Troll Rock Power.
Dooyafinkhesaurus - Complete the Securi-T-Rex Rock Power Challenge.
Start Me Up - Complete the Rock-It Fuel Rock Power Challenge.
No More Mr. Ice Guy - Complete the Rock the Boat Rock Power Challenge.
Armageddon Outta Here - Complete the Stop the Rock, Rock Power Challenge.
Silver trophies
Veteran Performer - Complete all gigs on the World Tour (except for the Rock Marathon Setlist and Endless Setlist).
#1 Boss - Hire all Entourage members.
Luxury Living - Spend 1,000,000 studs on rock den furniture.
Fashion Victim - Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on items of clothing.
Instrumental - Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on instruments.
Fan-TASTIC - Get 1,000,000 fans.
Super Stars - Get 1000 Stars.
Practice Makes Perfect - All four band members score 100% notes hit.
Solid Gold, Easy Action! - Gold Star any song.
The Final Countdown - Score 100% on the Guitar Solo in 'The Final Countdown' on Expert.
Gold trophies
Endless Shameless - Complete the Endless Setlist on the World Tour.
Universal Acclaim - Complete the Story.
Platinum trophy
Rock the Universe - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Bronze trophies
New to the Scene - Complete your first gig on the World Tour.
Tour de Force - Play at every venue on the World Tour.
Long-Distance Rocker - Complete the Rock Marathon Setlist on the World Tour.
Got Wheels - Purchase the 2nd vehicle on the World Tour.
Sea Legs - Purchase the 3rd vehicle on the World Tour.
Rotary Club - Purchase the 4th vehicle on the World Tour.
Open Road - Purchase the 5th vehicle on the World Tour.
Walking on Air - Purchase the 6th vehicle on the World Tour.
Into the Deep - Purchase the 7th vehicle on the World Tour.
Jet Setter - Purchase the 8th vehicle on the World Tour.
Teleportation Nation - Unlock the Teleporter on the World Tour.
Rock the House Down - Complete the Wreck 'n' Roll Rock Power Challenge.
Pencil Pusher - Hire a Band Manager.
You're Hired! - Hire an Entourage member.
Hovel, Sweet Hovel - Purchase one item of rock den furniture.
House Proud - Spend 100,000 studs on rock den furniture.
Bare Essentials - Purchase an item of clothing.
Appetite for Apparel - Spend 100,000 studs or more on items of clothing.
Gear Head - Purchase an instrument.
Local Legend - Get 100 fans.
Twinkle, Twinkle - Get 100 Stars.
Flawless Fretwork - Score 100% notes hit as a Guitarist.
Flawless Drumming - Score 100% notes hit as a Drummer.
Flawless Singing - Score a 100% rating as a Vocalist.
Flawless Groove - Score 100% notes hit as a Bassist.
Stud Farm - Achieve a 100% Stud Recovery during a performance.
Brian MAY Be Jealous - 100% a guitar solo on Expert.
All Four One! - Complete a song with four band members.
The School of Shock - Complete the Shock Band Rock Power Challenge.
Kickin The Tentacles - Complete the Rocktopus Rock Power Challenge.
Roadie Revolution - Hire a Road Crew.
Rain King - Complete the Rock the Crop Rock Power Challenge.
Royal Command Performance - Complete the Kings of Rock 'n' Troll Rock Power.
Dooyafinkhesaurus - Complete the Securi-T-Rex Rock Power Challenge.
Start Me Up - Complete the Rock-It Fuel Rock Power Challenge.
No More Mr. Ice Guy - Complete the Rock the Boat Rock Power Challenge.
Armageddon Outta Here - Complete the Stop the Rock, Rock Power Challenge.
Silver trophies
Veteran Performer - Complete all gigs on the World Tour (except for the Rock Marathon Setlist and Endless Setlist).
#1 Boss - Hire all Entourage members.
Luxury Living - Spend 1,000,000 studs on rock den furniture.
Fashion Victim - Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on items of clothing.
Instrumental - Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on instruments.
Fan-TASTIC - Get 1,000,000 fans.
Super Stars - Get 1000 Stars.
Practice Makes Perfect - All four band members score 100% notes hit.
Solid Gold, Easy Action! - Gold Star any song.
The Final Countdown - Score 100% on the Guitar Solo in 'The Final Countdown' on Expert.
Gold trophies
Endless Shameless - Complete the Endless Setlist on the World Tour.
Universal Acclaim - Complete the Story.
Platinum trophy
Rock the Universe - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
Lego Rock Band PS3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
video game
Dark Void PS3 Cheats
Improved radar:
Beat the game to unlock the radar locations of Ammo Caches, Journals, Tech Point Caches, and Weapons Lockers.
Bronze trophies
Prologue - Beat Prologue.
Crash Site - Beat Crash Site.
The Village - Beat The Village.
Spare Parts - Beat Spare Parts.
Village Attack - Beat Village Attack.
Prophesized One - Beat Prophesized One.
The Survivors - Beat The Survivors.
Prison Escape - Beat Prison Escape.
Defending the Ark - Beat Defending the Ark.
The Collector - Beat The Collector.
The Revolt - Beat The Revolt.
Dear Diary - Dear Diary - Find a journal.
Tesla's Apprentice - Upgrade a weapon.
Grand Theft...UFO? - Hijacked 20 UFOs.
Blind Luck - Blind Luck - Kill one of each enemy footsoldier using blind fire.
Captain of the Ship - Destroy 10 enemy aircraft while yours is on fire.
Forgot My Two Cable - Fly though an Archon's legs.
Fireworks - Fireworks - Kill 10 enemies by exploding a piece of dynamite in the air.
Get Your Feet Wet - Buzz the water.
99 Red Balloons - Kill 10 enemies while they are in anti-gravity bubble.
Cliffhanger Killer - Kill 50 enemies while in vertical cover.
Death from Above - Kill 50 enemies while in hover.
Bird of Prey - Kill 25 ground enemies using your rocket pack guns.
Mark of the Adept - Kill 5 UFOs in the Prologue.
Rocket Clothesline - Perform a melee right after turning off rocket pack thrusters.
Terminal Velocity - Free fall for 10 seconds.
The Squishy Center - Kill a Sarpa piloting an Archon.
Cleanup on Aisle Three - Cleanup on Aisle Three - Kill 100 enemies with headshots.
Rochambeau, I Go First - Rochambeau, I Go First - Kill 50 enemies with melee attacks.
Blue Light Special - Blue Light Special - Kill 3 enemies with one grenade.
Killing Spree - Killing Spree - Kill 10 enemies within 60 seconds.
Those Aren't Fortune Cookies - Those Aren't Fortune Cookies - Step on 10 slugs.
Master of Arms - Master of Arms - Kill an enemy with every weapon.
I'm a Rocketman, Baby - Perform 100 special maneuvers while using the rocket pack.
Float Like a Butterfly - Kill 10 attackers immediately after escaping from their melee.
Silver trophies
Into the Void - Beat Into the Void.
Breaking Camp - Beat Breaking Camp.
Tower of Return - Beat Tower of Return.
Bookworm - Bookworm - Found all journals.
Grease Monkey - Grease Monkey - Upgraded all weapons.
Pack Rat - Pack Rat - Acquired all 30,000 tech points.
Demolition Derby - Demolition Derby - Collide with another UFO 10 times.
The Big Bang - Destroy a Knight using a grenade.
Light up the Sky - Destroy 25 targets with the Ark's AA guns.
The Devastator - Destroy 25 UFOs while pilting a Survivor fighter.
Gold trophies
Dark Void - Beat Dark Void.
Ultimate Bad Ass - Beat Dark Void on Hardcore.
Platinum trophy
Dark Void 100% Beat - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Survivor Missions trophies:
Bronze trophies
Freedom Fighter - Survivor Missions - Complete a wave in any Survivor Mission.
Adept - Survivor Missions - Complete any Survivor Mission.
Hero - Survivor Missions - Complete the Battle of Ghen Crag mission with 980,000 points.
Ace - Survivor Missions - Complete the Abyss Canyon mission with 1 million points.
Blood Bath - Survivor Missions - Rack up a killing spree bonus of 33x.
Bulletproof - Survivor Missions - Complete a wave in a Survivor Mission without taking damage.
Speedster - Survivor Mission - Complete any Survivor Mission in under 35 minutes.
Spirit of Tesla - Survivor Missions - Upgrade a weapon to stage 3 in a Survivor Mission.
Silver trophies
Epic Hero - Survivor Missions - Complete the Battle of Ghen Crag mission with 4.4 million points.
Top Ace - Survivor Missions - Complete the Abyss Canyon mission with 4.5 million points.
Beat the game to unlock the radar locations of Ammo Caches, Journals, Tech Point Caches, and Weapons Lockers.
Bronze trophies
Prologue - Beat Prologue.
Crash Site - Beat Crash Site.
The Village - Beat The Village.
Spare Parts - Beat Spare Parts.
Village Attack - Beat Village Attack.
Prophesized One - Beat Prophesized One.
The Survivors - Beat The Survivors.
Prison Escape - Beat Prison Escape.
Defending the Ark - Beat Defending the Ark.
The Collector - Beat The Collector.
The Revolt - Beat The Revolt.
Dear Diary - Dear Diary - Find a journal.
Tesla's Apprentice - Upgrade a weapon.
Grand Theft...UFO? - Hijacked 20 UFOs.
Blind Luck - Blind Luck - Kill one of each enemy footsoldier using blind fire.
Captain of the Ship - Destroy 10 enemy aircraft while yours is on fire.
Forgot My Two Cable - Fly though an Archon's legs.
Fireworks - Fireworks - Kill 10 enemies by exploding a piece of dynamite in the air.
Get Your Feet Wet - Buzz the water.
99 Red Balloons - Kill 10 enemies while they are in anti-gravity bubble.
Cliffhanger Killer - Kill 50 enemies while in vertical cover.
Death from Above - Kill 50 enemies while in hover.
Bird of Prey - Kill 25 ground enemies using your rocket pack guns.
Mark of the Adept - Kill 5 UFOs in the Prologue.
Rocket Clothesline - Perform a melee right after turning off rocket pack thrusters.
Terminal Velocity - Free fall for 10 seconds.
The Squishy Center - Kill a Sarpa piloting an Archon.
Cleanup on Aisle Three - Cleanup on Aisle Three - Kill 100 enemies with headshots.
Rochambeau, I Go First - Rochambeau, I Go First - Kill 50 enemies with melee attacks.
Blue Light Special - Blue Light Special - Kill 3 enemies with one grenade.
Killing Spree - Killing Spree - Kill 10 enemies within 60 seconds.
Those Aren't Fortune Cookies - Those Aren't Fortune Cookies - Step on 10 slugs.
Master of Arms - Master of Arms - Kill an enemy with every weapon.
I'm a Rocketman, Baby - Perform 100 special maneuvers while using the rocket pack.
Float Like a Butterfly - Kill 10 attackers immediately after escaping from their melee.
Silver trophies
Into the Void - Beat Into the Void.
Breaking Camp - Beat Breaking Camp.
Tower of Return - Beat Tower of Return.
Bookworm - Bookworm - Found all journals.
Grease Monkey - Grease Monkey - Upgraded all weapons.
Pack Rat - Pack Rat - Acquired all 30,000 tech points.
Demolition Derby - Demolition Derby - Collide with another UFO 10 times.
The Big Bang - Destroy a Knight using a grenade.
Light up the Sky - Destroy 25 targets with the Ark's AA guns.
The Devastator - Destroy 25 UFOs while pilting a Survivor fighter.
Gold trophies
Dark Void - Beat Dark Void.
Ultimate Bad Ass - Beat Dark Void on Hardcore.
Platinum trophy
Dark Void 100% Beat - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Survivor Missions trophies:
Bronze trophies
Freedom Fighter - Survivor Missions - Complete a wave in any Survivor Mission.
Adept - Survivor Missions - Complete any Survivor Mission.
Hero - Survivor Missions - Complete the Battle of Ghen Crag mission with 980,000 points.
Ace - Survivor Missions - Complete the Abyss Canyon mission with 1 million points.
Blood Bath - Survivor Missions - Rack up a killing spree bonus of 33x.
Bulletproof - Survivor Missions - Complete a wave in a Survivor Mission without taking damage.
Speedster - Survivor Mission - Complete any Survivor Mission in under 35 minutes.
Spirit of Tesla - Survivor Missions - Upgrade a weapon to stage 3 in a Survivor Mission.
Silver trophies
Epic Hero - Survivor Missions - Complete the Battle of Ghen Crag mission with 4.4 million points.
Top Ace - Survivor Missions - Complete the Abyss Canyon mission with 4.5 million points.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
Dark Void PS3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
video game
Risk: Factions PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
First Strike - Be the first to get an objective in a game.
Destroyer - Kill 100 human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie units.
Faction Specialist - Complete the human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie campaigns.
Soldier - Play 5 games on PlayStation Network.
Master & Commander - Win a 5 player ranked Command Room game on PlayStation Network.
Silver trophies
Capitalize This - Control 5 capitals.
Ironman - Defend a minimum of 5 attackers with 1 defender.
Demon Child - Achieve 10 super overkills.
Star Command - Earn 10 stars and trade them for 30 troops.
Glory Hunter - Win 10 ranked games on PlayStation Network.
Gold trophies
5 Star General - Win a game on each map.
Bronze trophies
First Strike - Be the first to get an objective in a game.
Destroyer - Kill 100 human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie units.
Faction Specialist - Complete the human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie campaigns.
Soldier - Play 5 games on PlayStation Network.
Master & Commander - Win a 5 player ranked Command Room game on PlayStation Network.
Silver trophies
Capitalize This - Control 5 capitals.
Ironman - Defend a minimum of 5 attackers with 1 defender.
Demon Child - Achieve 10 super overkills.
Star Command - Earn 10 stars and trade them for 30 troops.
Glory Hunter - Win 10 ranked games on PlayStation Network.
Gold trophies
5 Star General - Win a game on each map.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
Risk: Factions PS3,
The PS3,
video game
Tiger Woods PGA Tour3 08 PS Cheats
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding case-sensitive passwords at "Options" > "Passwords":
Bridgestone items unlocked - notjusttires
Buick items unlocked - threestripes
EA items unlocked - inthegame
Grafalloy items unlocked - justshafts
Infinite money - cream
J. Lindberg items unlocked - jlindberg
MacGergoritems unlocked - mactec
Mizuno items unlocked - rihachinrizo
Nike items unlocked - justdoit
Oakley items unlocked - jannard
PGA Tour items unlocked - lightning
Ping items unlocked - solheim
Precept items unlocked - guysaregood
Taylormade items unlocked - mradams
Unlock Wayne Rooney - playfifa08
Unlocks all course - greensfees
Unlocks all golfers - allstars
Perfect shots:
To get "Perfect" shots, when you pull the Left Analog-Stick back, release it as if you are flicking it. Also put a lot of power into the shot.
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding case-sensitive passwords at "Options" > "Passwords":
Bridgestone items unlocked - notjusttires
Buick items unlocked - threestripes
EA items unlocked - inthegame
Grafalloy items unlocked - justshafts
Infinite money - cream
J. Lindberg items unlocked - jlindberg
MacGergoritems unlocked - mactec
Mizuno items unlocked - rihachinrizo
Nike items unlocked - justdoit
Oakley items unlocked - jannard
PGA Tour items unlocked - lightning
Ping items unlocked - solheim
Precept items unlocked - guysaregood
Taylormade items unlocked - mradams
Unlock Wayne Rooney - playfifa08
Unlocks all course - greensfees
Unlocks all golfers - allstars
Perfect shots:
To get "Perfect" shots, when you pull the Left Analog-Stick back, release it as if you are flicking it. Also put a lot of power into the shot.
TMNT PS3 Cheats
Challenge map 2:
To unlock Challenge map 2, at the main menu, hold L1 and press X(2), circle, X. A sound will play if entered correctly.
Don's big head goodie:
To unlock Don's big head goodie, at the main menu, hold L1 and press circle, triangle, X, square. A sound will play if entered correctly.
How to defeat the Shredder:
To defeat the real shredder, ignore the shredder clones and fight the real shredder. The real shredder will just stand there while his clones attack you. Use Don's team move on him which shock enemies nearby. He will not be able to attack after you shock him. Then, change to Raphael attack the shredder until he recovers. Repeat this strategy until he is defeated.
Building relationships:
After reaching the level where you can use all four turtles at once, you must start building a relationship with your brothers. To do this, take turns using your brother throw with the different turtles. Successfully executing a brother throw will build your relationship.
To get an "A" in working with your brothers, use the turtle's special move while fighting and continue fighting until more enemies appear. Switch turtles and use their special moves until all enemies have been defeated.
To unlock Challenge map 2, at the main menu, hold L1 and press X(2), circle, X. A sound will play if entered correctly.
Don's big head goodie:
To unlock Don's big head goodie, at the main menu, hold L1 and press circle, triangle, X, square. A sound will play if entered correctly.
How to defeat the Shredder:
To defeat the real shredder, ignore the shredder clones and fight the real shredder. The real shredder will just stand there while his clones attack you. Use Don's team move on him which shock enemies nearby. He will not be able to attack after you shock him. Then, change to Raphael attack the shredder until he recovers. Repeat this strategy until he is defeated.
Building relationships:
After reaching the level where you can use all four turtles at once, you must start building a relationship with your brothers. To do this, take turns using your brother throw with the different turtles. Successfully executing a brother throw will build your relationship.
To get an "A" in working with your brothers, use the turtle's special move while fighting and continue fighting until more enemies appear. Switch turtles and use their special moves until all enemies have been defeated.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
video game
Tony Hawk: Shred PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at "Options" > "Cheats":
All characters - Peeps
Level select - World
Bronze trophies
The Start of Something Big - Complete a season on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
Ready to Ride - Calibrate the board.
Eager Student - Tricktionary: Visit the Tricktionary for the first time.
Adept Skater - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Skate Trick at least once (SP).
Adept Boarder - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Snowboarding Trick at least once (SP).
See You In Indianapolis! - Tricktionary: Perform 500 Ollies (SP).
Making Hamburger - Tricktionary: Grind at least 500 feet in every type of Grind (Parallel, Slide, Angled) (SP).
Grabby McGrab Grab - Tricktionary: Perform 250 total Grabs (SP).
Skateboard Master! - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Skate Training on the Casual Setting.
Snowboard Master! - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Snow Training on the Casual Setting.
Well Balanced Individual - Complete a session in Regular Stance & a session in Goofy Stance (without leaving game - SP).
Control Freak - Complete a session on each Navigation Setting (without leaving game - SP).
Get a Real Skateboard! - Challenge Mode: Complete 15 total Insane Challenges.
Reality Star - Challenge Mode: Complete all Videographer Challenges.
Bags Packed - Unlock a new level.
Steering Sensation - Unlock all Navigation Settings.
Oh, the Places You Will Go! - Unlock every level in the game.
Now You're Just Bragging! - New Orleans: Scoring Spots: Perform the bonus task of all 5 Scoring Spots (SP).
Scared of Bubbles - Melbourne: Point Rush: Finish with a score of at least 75 without collecting any Point Bubbles (SP).
Shiver Me Timbers! - Morocco: Complete any session in Morocco as Seadog O' Banion (SP).
You Got HOW MANY Points?! - Wallows: Scoring Spots: Score 1,000,000 total points (SP).
Don't need no Stinkin' GRINDS! - Santorini Trick Mode: Score 100,000 points without using grinds (SP).
Great Wall Master - Acquire all 4 Stars on Beijing Big Air & all 4 Stars on Beijing Halfpipe.
Groove Me Baby - Grind Pro Trial: Perform 10 Grind Transfers in a session on any Grind Pro Trial (SP).
Going Steady with 2 Wheels - Manual Pro Trial: Maintain a continuous Manual for 500 feet on any Manual Pro Trial (SP).
Atmospheric Rotation - Big Air Pro Trial: Perform two 360° Spins in the same Big Air Pro Trial session (SP).
House of Horrors - Survival Mode: Survive the Huckjam Park Combo Level.
Multiple Tricksters - Online Mode: Win a Trick session.
'Challenging' High Wire Act - Online Mode: Win a Challenge session.
Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere... - Online Mode: Win a Point Rush session.
King of the Hill - Online Mode: Win a Scoring Spots session.
Silver trophies
Jambalayanism - New Orleans: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Down Under Daredevil - Melbourne: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Mediterranean Maestro - Morocco: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Hawaiian Hooligan - Wallows: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Meeting of the Minds - Santorini: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Whistle Blower - Whistler Mountain: Acquire all 16 Stars.
4 Étoiles sur la Montagne - French Alps: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Some Kind of Funhouse! - Huckjam Park: Acquire all 12 Stars on any Huckjam Park level.
Tony Would Be Proud - Acquire all Stars in the Skateboard Tier on any Naviation Setting.
Powder Prowess - Acquire all Stars in the Snowboard Tier on any Navigation Setting.
The New Pro - Acquire all Stars in the Pro Trial Tier on any Navigation Setting.
Gold trophies
Serious Playtime - Complete each session type in each level on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
All-In-1 Shredder - Acquire all Stars in the Game on any Navigation setting.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at "Options" > "Cheats":
All characters - Peeps
Level select - World
Bronze trophies
The Start of Something Big - Complete a season on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
Ready to Ride - Calibrate the board.
Eager Student - Tricktionary: Visit the Tricktionary for the first time.
Adept Skater - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Skate Trick at least once (SP).
Adept Boarder - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Snowboarding Trick at least once (SP).
See You In Indianapolis! - Tricktionary: Perform 500 Ollies (SP).
Making Hamburger - Tricktionary: Grind at least 500 feet in every type of Grind (Parallel, Slide, Angled) (SP).
Grabby McGrab Grab - Tricktionary: Perform 250 total Grabs (SP).
Skateboard Master! - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Skate Training on the Casual Setting.
Snowboard Master! - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Snow Training on the Casual Setting.
Well Balanced Individual - Complete a session in Regular Stance & a session in Goofy Stance (without leaving game - SP).
Control Freak - Complete a session on each Navigation Setting (without leaving game - SP).
Get a Real Skateboard! - Challenge Mode: Complete 15 total Insane Challenges.
Reality Star - Challenge Mode: Complete all Videographer Challenges.
Bags Packed - Unlock a new level.
Steering Sensation - Unlock all Navigation Settings.
Oh, the Places You Will Go! - Unlock every level in the game.
Now You're Just Bragging! - New Orleans: Scoring Spots: Perform the bonus task of all 5 Scoring Spots (SP).
Scared of Bubbles - Melbourne: Point Rush: Finish with a score of at least 75 without collecting any Point Bubbles (SP).
Shiver Me Timbers! - Morocco: Complete any session in Morocco as Seadog O' Banion (SP).
You Got HOW MANY Points?! - Wallows: Scoring Spots: Score 1,000,000 total points (SP).
Don't need no Stinkin' GRINDS! - Santorini Trick Mode: Score 100,000 points without using grinds (SP).
Great Wall Master - Acquire all 4 Stars on Beijing Big Air & all 4 Stars on Beijing Halfpipe.
Groove Me Baby - Grind Pro Trial: Perform 10 Grind Transfers in a session on any Grind Pro Trial (SP).
Going Steady with 2 Wheels - Manual Pro Trial: Maintain a continuous Manual for 500 feet on any Manual Pro Trial (SP).
Atmospheric Rotation - Big Air Pro Trial: Perform two 360° Spins in the same Big Air Pro Trial session (SP).
House of Horrors - Survival Mode: Survive the Huckjam Park Combo Level.
Multiple Tricksters - Online Mode: Win a Trick session.
'Challenging' High Wire Act - Online Mode: Win a Challenge session.
Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere... - Online Mode: Win a Point Rush session.
King of the Hill - Online Mode: Win a Scoring Spots session.
Silver trophies
Jambalayanism - New Orleans: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Down Under Daredevil - Melbourne: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Mediterranean Maestro - Morocco: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Hawaiian Hooligan - Wallows: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Meeting of the Minds - Santorini: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Whistle Blower - Whistler Mountain: Acquire all 16 Stars.
4 Étoiles sur la Montagne - French Alps: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Some Kind of Funhouse! - Huckjam Park: Acquire all 12 Stars on any Huckjam Park level.
Tony Would Be Proud - Acquire all Stars in the Skateboard Tier on any Naviation Setting.
Powder Prowess - Acquire all Stars in the Snowboard Tier on any Navigation Setting.
The New Pro - Acquire all Stars in the Pro Trial Tier on any Navigation Setting.
Gold trophies
Serious Playtime - Complete each session type in each level on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
All-In-1 Shredder - Acquire all Stars in the Game on any Navigation setting.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
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Cheats ps3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
Tony Hawk: Shred PS3,
video game
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Shaun White Skateboarding PS3 Cheats
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Shaun White Skateboarding PS3 Cheats |
Shaun White Skateboarding PS3 Cheats
Earn a gold medal in all Shaun White set challenges.Shaun White skin:
Complete the game and load the cleared saved game file. Pause game play, then select the "Extras" option to access the Shaun White skin.
Trick meter:
Repeatedly perform 360s while Ollying to fill up the trick meter faster. This should fill the trick meter faster to get the city back to normal.
Bronze trophies
Ridiculously Long Lasting - Influence and reveal 5 gum company's billboards.
It's Better Here - Influence and reveal all the restaurants.
Mad Looks - Customize your character.
Skate Guru - Convert 100 citizens.
MannyMania - Manual for 75 meters in the story mode.
Hoverboard - Grind 150 meters without touching the ground in story mode.
Fashionista - Collect 50 clothing items in the story mode.
Raise the roof - Reach a trick height of 9 meters in the story mode.
Riding Benefactor - Use 10 power ups on yourself or your team in one multiplayer match.
Trip 'em up - Use 10 power ups to affect opponents in one multiplayer match.
Infinite Arsenal - Use 12 power ups in one multiplayer match.
Deja vu? - Play each multiplayer mode once.
Shape Master - Win a 'Shaping Battle' multiplayer match.
Dynamic Propaganda - Win a 'Ministry vs Rising' multiplayer match.
Unleash the Flow - Win a 'Go with the flow' multiplayer match.
Multiplayer Initiate - Complete a multiplayer match.
Challenge Killer - Complete 35 challenges.
Skatecopter - Perform 3 body rotations in a single trick.
Shopping Spree - Unlock all the skate shops.
Ministry Retreat - Remove 20 Ministry posters & logos.
Skate Shop Moxie - Impress Bob & free his skate.
Free Your Mind - Use shaping to mold the world.
Silver trophies
Weapon of Mass Manipulation - Transform 1000 world objects and citizens.
Secret Packrat - Discover all the secret challenges.
Full Deck Trickster - Unlock all the tricks and complete your trick book.
Speed Bomber - Obtain the best time in 3 time attack challenges.
ApocalypsFlow - Reach 7500 flow in the story mode.
Versatile Challenger - Win a match in every multiplayer game mode.
Shaping Blitz - Shape 10 objects in one 'Shaping Battle' multiplayer match.
Absolute Truth - Convert 10 structures in a single 'Ministry vs Rising' multiplayer match.
Flow Factory - Obtain 8000 flow in one 'Go with the flow' multiplayer match.
Crossing the Beams - Link a shaping with a rail, or another shaping. Do this 30 times.
Flat footed - Perform 100 perfect landings.
Glitterous - Find all the secret chests.
Gold trophies
Gold Medal Challenge - Earn the gold medal in all Shaun White challenges.
Platinum trophy
Platinum Award - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Shaun White Skateboarding PS3 Cheats
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes:
Force Repulse - MAREK
Mindtrick - YARAEL
Lightsaber throw - TRAYA
Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing) - LIBO
White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom) - SOLARI
Boba Fett costume - MANDALORE
Dark Apprentice costume - VENTRESS
General Kota costume - RAHM
Jump Trooper costume - AJP400
Nemoidian costume - GUNRAY
Rebel Commando costume - SPECFORCE
Rebel Soldier costume - REBELSCUM
Saber guard costume - MORGUKAI
Experimental Jedi armor (good apprentice) costume - NOMI
Scout Trooper costume - HARPER
Sith Acolyte costume - HAAZEN
Sith Training Droid costume - HOLODROID
Stormtrooper costume - TK421
Terror Trooper costume - SHADOW
Prequel bonus:
Have a saved game file from the original Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to unlock the Sith Stalker Armor and Training Gear costumes.
Guybrush Threepkiller costume:
In the second level, go to the room with a Jabba the Hut hologram and Guybrush Threepwood statues. Destroy the three machines in the room and the Holocron for the costume will appear from the Jabba hologram.
Unlimited Force Points:
In the first level, when you stop running away from the gunship you will die and gain Force Points. The save point at this location will make it easy to gain unlimited Force Points. Use a rubber band on your controller to force your character continue running. After dying, your character will begin running again. Allow the game to idle to gain as many Force Points as desired.
Secondary lightsaber crystals:
To unlock secondary light saber crystals, complete each of the first ten challenges with at least a gold medal. Also, new cinematics will be unlocked with bronze medals in the challenges.
Unlock the following costumes by performing the corresponding tasks:
General Kota - Earn the Silver medal in the "Deadly Path Trial" Challenge.
Saber Guard - Earn the Silver medal in the "Cloning Spire Trial" Challenge.
Terror Trooper - Earn the Silver medal in the "Terror Trial" Challenge.
Dagobah: Hidden Holocrons:
In addition to the two Holocrons that are found easily, there are an another two hidden ones. The first one is located at the big tree with two eyes with a short cave. Go near that cave and look to the right to spot the first hidden Holocron behind some branches. The second hidden Holocron can be found when you see the big rock to the left of your path. Use Force Grip to move the rock to uncover the Holocron.
Bronze trophies
Padawan - Complete the game on Easy difficulty.
Amplified - Kill 10 enemies with the lightning towers.
Kamfetti - Kill 5 enemies with the fans on Kamino.
Imperial Painball - Throw 10 enemies into the Kamino generators.
Droid Rage - Control the Terror Walker and destroy all the Terror Biodroids.
Strike! - Kill three enemies with a single 'bowling' ball.
Shattered - Shatter 10 enemies frozen in carbonite.
Break the Bank - Smash up 10 game machines.
Valet - Use Vader's TIE Advanced to destroy the AT-MP.
Stay On Target... - Get to the falling Gorog without crashing into any debris.
Master of Disaster - Break all of the coolant tanks aboard the Salvation without dying.
The Jan Stakross Trophy of Excellence - Destroy 12 lightning pylons on the Kamino dive.
Jedi Bomb Squad - Remove all of the Terror Spider Bombs on the Salvation.
'No match for a good blaster at your side, kid.' - Kill 10 enemies using the turbolasers on the Kamino Drill Grounds.
Top of the World - Reach the top of the Spire without falling once.
Rookie - Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Bronze medal in each.
Challenger - Complete one challenge and receive at least a Bronze medal.
Unleashed - Activate Force Fury 10 times.
Enjoy The Trip See You Next Fall - Cause 50 enemies to fall to their deaths.
Maxed Out - Upgrade all Force Powers to Rank 3.
Use the Force, Luke - Complete any combat level using only Force Powers.
Lucky Streak - Defeat 300 consecutive enemies without dying.
Sky Killer - Destroy 15 TIE Fighters.
Arachnophobia - Destroy 200 Terror Spider Droids.
It Burns! - Disintegrate 15 enemies by throwing them into red force fields.
Pied Piper - Entice 10 Stormtroopers to leap to their deaths with Mind Trick.
Holocron Hunter - Find every holocron.
Return to Sender - Kill an AT-MP by gripping its own missiles and throwing them back.
Up, Up and Away - Overload 20 Jumptrooper jet packs
Passive Aggressive - Parry and counter 10 melee attacks.
To the Face! - Reflect 20 missiles back at AT-MPs.
Specialist - Upgrade one Power to Rank 3.
Escape from Kamino - Escape Kamino in Vader's TIE Advanced.
The Nemesis in Flames - Destroy the Gunship.
Bring Down the Giant - Defeat the Gorog.
The Exterminator - Defeat the Terror Walker.
Crack the Sky - Destroy the Star Destroyer.
Meeting of the Jedi - Reunite with Kota.
Betrayed By Rage - Complete the game and choose the Dark Side ending.
A Measure of Mercy - Complete the game and choose the Light Side ending.
Poor Bob - Force Grip a Stormtrooper, impale him with a lightsaber, zap him with Force Lightning, then throw him into an object.
Fully Charged - Use an entire bar of Force Power on a Lightning attack.
Silver trophies
Jedi Knight - Complete the game in Medium difficulty.
Hat Trick - Get a Gold medal on any 3 challenges.
Platinum - Get a Platinum medal on any challenge.
Competitor - Get a Silver medal on any 5 challenges.
Awww Yeah... - Perform every combat move in the game (excluding combos that require Rank 3 Saber).
Gold trophies
Jedi Master - Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Jedi Grand Master - Complete the game on Unleashed difficulty.
Champion - Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Gold medal in each.
Platinum trophy
The Circle is Now Complete - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"Battle Of Endor" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Holocron Hunter - Find all the holocrons in Endor.
One with the Force - Complete Endor without dying.
Returning the favor - Defeat a grenadier with his own grenade.
Sith Kicker - Drop kick 10 Ewoks.
Victory! - Complete Endor.
Yub Yub - Complete the level defeating 20 Ewoks or more.
Don't Let the Wookiee win - Defeat Han and Chewie.
Gold trophies
Never Tell me the Odds - Complete Endor on Unleashed difficulty.
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes:
Force Repulse - MAREK
Mindtrick - YARAEL
Lightsaber throw - TRAYA
Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing) - LIBO
White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom) - SOLARI
Boba Fett costume - MANDALORE
Dark Apprentice costume - VENTRESS
General Kota costume - RAHM
Jump Trooper costume - AJP400
Nemoidian costume - GUNRAY
Rebel Commando costume - SPECFORCE
Rebel Soldier costume - REBELSCUM
Saber guard costume - MORGUKAI
Experimental Jedi armor (good apprentice) costume - NOMI
Scout Trooper costume - HARPER
Sith Acolyte costume - HAAZEN
Sith Training Droid costume - HOLODROID
Stormtrooper costume - TK421
Terror Trooper costume - SHADOW
Prequel bonus:
Have a saved game file from the original Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to unlock the Sith Stalker Armor and Training Gear costumes.
Guybrush Threepkiller costume:
In the second level, go to the room with a Jabba the Hut hologram and Guybrush Threepwood statues. Destroy the three machines in the room and the Holocron for the costume will appear from the Jabba hologram.
Unlimited Force Points:
In the first level, when you stop running away from the gunship you will die and gain Force Points. The save point at this location will make it easy to gain unlimited Force Points. Use a rubber band on your controller to force your character continue running. After dying, your character will begin running again. Allow the game to idle to gain as many Force Points as desired.
Secondary lightsaber crystals:
To unlock secondary light saber crystals, complete each of the first ten challenges with at least a gold medal. Also, new cinematics will be unlocked with bronze medals in the challenges.
Unlock the following costumes by performing the corresponding tasks:
General Kota - Earn the Silver medal in the "Deadly Path Trial" Challenge.
Saber Guard - Earn the Silver medal in the "Cloning Spire Trial" Challenge.
Terror Trooper - Earn the Silver medal in the "Terror Trial" Challenge.
Dagobah: Hidden Holocrons:
In addition to the two Holocrons that are found easily, there are an another two hidden ones. The first one is located at the big tree with two eyes with a short cave. Go near that cave and look to the right to spot the first hidden Holocron behind some branches. The second hidden Holocron can be found when you see the big rock to the left of your path. Use Force Grip to move the rock to uncover the Holocron.
Bronze trophies
Padawan - Complete the game on Easy difficulty.
Amplified - Kill 10 enemies with the lightning towers.
Kamfetti - Kill 5 enemies with the fans on Kamino.
Imperial Painball - Throw 10 enemies into the Kamino generators.
Droid Rage - Control the Terror Walker and destroy all the Terror Biodroids.
Strike! - Kill three enemies with a single 'bowling' ball.
Shattered - Shatter 10 enemies frozen in carbonite.
Break the Bank - Smash up 10 game machines.
Valet - Use Vader's TIE Advanced to destroy the AT-MP.
Stay On Target... - Get to the falling Gorog without crashing into any debris.
Master of Disaster - Break all of the coolant tanks aboard the Salvation without dying.
The Jan Stakross Trophy of Excellence - Destroy 12 lightning pylons on the Kamino dive.
Jedi Bomb Squad - Remove all of the Terror Spider Bombs on the Salvation.
'No match for a good blaster at your side, kid.' - Kill 10 enemies using the turbolasers on the Kamino Drill Grounds.
Top of the World - Reach the top of the Spire without falling once.
Rookie - Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Bronze medal in each.
Challenger - Complete one challenge and receive at least a Bronze medal.
Unleashed - Activate Force Fury 10 times.
Enjoy The Trip See You Next Fall - Cause 50 enemies to fall to their deaths.
Maxed Out - Upgrade all Force Powers to Rank 3.
Use the Force, Luke - Complete any combat level using only Force Powers.
Lucky Streak - Defeat 300 consecutive enemies without dying.
Sky Killer - Destroy 15 TIE Fighters.
Arachnophobia - Destroy 200 Terror Spider Droids.
It Burns! - Disintegrate 15 enemies by throwing them into red force fields.
Pied Piper - Entice 10 Stormtroopers to leap to their deaths with Mind Trick.
Holocron Hunter - Find every holocron.
Return to Sender - Kill an AT-MP by gripping its own missiles and throwing them back.
Up, Up and Away - Overload 20 Jumptrooper jet packs
Passive Aggressive - Parry and counter 10 melee attacks.
To the Face! - Reflect 20 missiles back at AT-MPs.
Specialist - Upgrade one Power to Rank 3.
Escape from Kamino - Escape Kamino in Vader's TIE Advanced.
The Nemesis in Flames - Destroy the Gunship.
Bring Down the Giant - Defeat the Gorog.
The Exterminator - Defeat the Terror Walker.
Crack the Sky - Destroy the Star Destroyer.
Meeting of the Jedi - Reunite with Kota.
Betrayed By Rage - Complete the game and choose the Dark Side ending.
A Measure of Mercy - Complete the game and choose the Light Side ending.
Poor Bob - Force Grip a Stormtrooper, impale him with a lightsaber, zap him with Force Lightning, then throw him into an object.
Fully Charged - Use an entire bar of Force Power on a Lightning attack.
Silver trophies
Jedi Knight - Complete the game in Medium difficulty.
Hat Trick - Get a Gold medal on any 3 challenges.
Platinum - Get a Platinum medal on any challenge.
Competitor - Get a Silver medal on any 5 challenges.
Awww Yeah... - Perform every combat move in the game (excluding combos that require Rank 3 Saber).
Gold trophies
Jedi Master - Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Jedi Grand Master - Complete the game on Unleashed difficulty.
Champion - Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Gold medal in each.
Platinum trophy
The Circle is Now Complete - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"Battle Of Endor" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Holocron Hunter - Find all the holocrons in Endor.
One with the Force - Complete Endor without dying.
Returning the favor - Defeat a grenadier with his own grenade.
Sith Kicker - Drop kick 10 Ewoks.
Victory! - Complete Endor.
Yub Yub - Complete the level defeating 20 Ewoks or more.
Don't Let the Wookiee win - Defeat Han and Chewie.
Gold trophies
Never Tell me the Odds - Complete Endor on Unleashed difficulty.
Stranglehold PS3 Cheats
Hard Boiled difficulty:
To unlock Hard Boiled difficulty, beat the game on Casual difficulty.
Secret theater + items:
On the first level right after the second checkpoint, walk in the door and take a right to find a damaged door. Shoot it and walk through the corridors. It will take you to a secret theater that plays previews of two games, The Wheelman and Blacksite Area 51. There is also a golden pistol, a paper crane, and a shotgun in the theater.
Extra ammunition.
To get more ammunition for the handgun, use the Tequila Bomb for the Precision Aim, and shoot someone.
How to defeat Wong and Dapang
Do the following to defeat Wong and Dapang. When DaPang jumps down to you, run straight ahead and shoot the bottom right of the dragon statue. Almost always the statue will fall, killing Dapang instantly. You now have to be quick at this stage, especially on the higher levels. As soon as DaPang is dead you will have a few seconds to pick up the two paper cranes which fell after you destroyed the statue. Now at least five or six men will appear and run directly at you. Dodge them as best you can and make your way to the golden guns to the left of the statue podium. Trade in your weaker guns. You will now have 32 golden bullets. You will most likely have a shotgun. If you do not, grab one. Make your way to the far left or right. Take cover behind a pillar and wait for the remaining enemies to come after you. When they get within a few feet of you, press Left or Right, Tequila time will start. Kill them with one shot. Usually there is one remaining enemy that shoots at you from a distance. Ignore him. If you kill him, more enemies will appear. By now you should have or almost have a barrage bomb. Run upstairs and pick up a health pack if needed. As soon as you reach the top, Wong will start shooting, so you must be quick. Turn on Precision Aim. It is far stronger now that you have golden guns. Wong is weak against Precision Aim. Make sure you hit his head for maximum damage. While he is stunned, grab the paper cranes to the far left and right. Wong recovers quickly. Use Precison Aim every time you get a paper crane. There are two more paper cranes on the chandeliers. Swing on them to get them, but only do so after successfully hitting Wong. After you have hit Wong as much as you can with Precision Aim, he will still be alive, but have very little life. Turn on Tequila time and fire your golden guns. He should die in seconds. If you are skilled at throwing grenades, use them. However, they are slow and will leave you vulnerable.
To unlock Hard Boiled difficulty, beat the game on Casual difficulty.
Secret theater + items:
On the first level right after the second checkpoint, walk in the door and take a right to find a damaged door. Shoot it and walk through the corridors. It will take you to a secret theater that plays previews of two games, The Wheelman and Blacksite Area 51. There is also a golden pistol, a paper crane, and a shotgun in the theater.
Extra ammunition.
To get more ammunition for the handgun, use the Tequila Bomb for the Precision Aim, and shoot someone.
How to defeat Wong and Dapang
Do the following to defeat Wong and Dapang. When DaPang jumps down to you, run straight ahead and shoot the bottom right of the dragon statue. Almost always the statue will fall, killing Dapang instantly. You now have to be quick at this stage, especially on the higher levels. As soon as DaPang is dead you will have a few seconds to pick up the two paper cranes which fell after you destroyed the statue. Now at least five or six men will appear and run directly at you. Dodge them as best you can and make your way to the golden guns to the left of the statue podium. Trade in your weaker guns. You will now have 32 golden bullets. You will most likely have a shotgun. If you do not, grab one. Make your way to the far left or right. Take cover behind a pillar and wait for the remaining enemies to come after you. When they get within a few feet of you, press Left or Right, Tequila time will start. Kill them with one shot. Usually there is one remaining enemy that shoots at you from a distance. Ignore him. If you kill him, more enemies will appear. By now you should have or almost have a barrage bomb. Run upstairs and pick up a health pack if needed. As soon as you reach the top, Wong will start shooting, so you must be quick. Turn on Precision Aim. It is far stronger now that you have golden guns. Wong is weak against Precision Aim. Make sure you hit his head for maximum damage. While he is stunned, grab the paper cranes to the far left and right. Wong recovers quickly. Use Precison Aim every time you get a paper crane. There are two more paper cranes on the chandeliers. Swing on them to get them, but only do so after successfully hitting Wong. After you have hit Wong as much as you can with Precision Aim, he will still be alive, but have very little life. Turn on Tequila time and fire your golden guns. He should die in seconds. If you are skilled at throwing grenades, use them. However, they are slow and will leave you vulnerable.
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PS3 Cheats,
Stranglehold PS3,
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Thursday, January 06, 2011
DanceDanceRevolution PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
Welcome to DDR! - Try the lessons in HOW TO PLAY.
Playing the Real Thing. - Complete all the lessons in HOW TO PLAY.
High Scorer - Get a score of 1,500,000 or higher.
FIRST AAA - Get a rank of AAA.
FIRST AA - Get a rank of AA.
FIRST A - Get a rank of A.
FIRST B - Get a rank of B.
FIRST C - Get a rank of C.
Give it all you've got! - Get a rank of D.
FULL COMBO (BEGINNER) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to BEGINNER.
FULL COMBO (BASIC) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to BASIC.
FULL COMBO (DIFFICULT) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to DIFFCULT.
FULL COMBO (EXPERT) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to EXPERT.
REVERSE DANCER - With difficulty at EXPERT or higher, Clear a song with SCROLL for arrows set to REVERSE.
DARK DANCER - Clear a song on EXPERT or higher with DARK set to ON.
SUDDEN DANCER - Clear a song on DIFFICULT or higher with the arrows' APPEARANCE set to SUDDEN.
HIDDEN DANCER - Clear a song on DIFFICULT or higher with the arrows' APPEARANCE set to HIDDEN.
CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN - Rack up 3 CHAIN ARROW BONUSES in the course of a single song.
TRIGGER 5 - Launch GROOVE TRIGGER 5 times in the course of a single song on EXPERT or higher.
MILLIONAIRE 10 - Get 10 or more scores of at least 1,000,000 in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
MILLIONAIRE 50 - Get 50 or more scores of at least 1,000,000 in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
A COLLECTOR - Get 20 or more ranks of A or above in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
AA COLLECTOR - Get 50 or more ranks of AA or above in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
DANCE PARTY - Have a DANCE OFF with 4 players.
BURNING 300 - Get a total of 300 or more kcal burned.
BURNING 1000 - Get a total of 1,000 or more kcal burned.
CLUB MASTER - Attain the rank of CLUB MASTER in CLUB MODE.
SUPERSTAR - Attain the rank of SUPERSTAR in CLUB MODE.
LEAD DANCER - Attain the rank of LEAD DANCER in CLUB MODE.
BACK DANCER - Attain the rank of BACK DANCER in CLUB MODE.
NEWCOMER - Attain the rank of NEWCOMER in CLUB MODE.
TRAINEE - Attain the rank of TRAINEE in CLUB MODE.
1000 COMBO! - Rack up 1,000 or more combos in CLUB MODE.
DANCE MASTER - Clear OTHER CLUBS in CLUB MODE with the number of songs set to 20.
Create spectacular videos! - Control the MOVE & STEP screen in VJ Mode.
Enjoy MOVE & STEP with Two Players! - Two players can enjoy MOVE & STEP.
FIRST EXPORT - Export your gameplay videos.
Silver trophies
BILLIONAIRE - Score 1,000,000,000 or more in CLUB MODE.
MOVE MASTER - Get at least one record on every song in MOVE & STEP (excluding downloaded songs).
Gold trophies
STAR COLLECTOR - Get 100 or more FULL COMBO marks in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
Platinum trophy
Get all the trophies - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Bronze trophies
Welcome to DDR! - Try the lessons in HOW TO PLAY.
Playing the Real Thing. - Complete all the lessons in HOW TO PLAY.
High Scorer - Get a score of 1,500,000 or higher.
FIRST AAA - Get a rank of AAA.
FIRST AA - Get a rank of AA.
FIRST A - Get a rank of A.
FIRST B - Get a rank of B.
FIRST C - Get a rank of C.
Give it all you've got! - Get a rank of D.
FULL COMBO (BEGINNER) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to BEGINNER.
FULL COMBO (BASIC) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to BASIC.
FULL COMBO (DIFFICULT) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to DIFFCULT.
FULL COMBO (EXPERT) - Pull off a FULL COMBO with difficulty set to EXPERT.
REVERSE DANCER - With difficulty at EXPERT or higher, Clear a song with SCROLL for arrows set to REVERSE.
DARK DANCER - Clear a song on EXPERT or higher with DARK set to ON.
SUDDEN DANCER - Clear a song on DIFFICULT or higher with the arrows' APPEARANCE set to SUDDEN.
HIDDEN DANCER - Clear a song on DIFFICULT or higher with the arrows' APPEARANCE set to HIDDEN.
CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN - Rack up 3 CHAIN ARROW BONUSES in the course of a single song.
TRIGGER 5 - Launch GROOVE TRIGGER 5 times in the course of a single song on EXPERT or higher.
MILLIONAIRE 10 - Get 10 or more scores of at least 1,000,000 in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
MILLIONAIRE 50 - Get 50 or more scores of at least 1,000,000 in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
A COLLECTOR - Get 20 or more ranks of A or above in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
AA COLLECTOR - Get 50 or more ranks of AA or above in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
DANCE PARTY - Have a DANCE OFF with 4 players.
BURNING 300 - Get a total of 300 or more kcal burned.
BURNING 1000 - Get a total of 1,000 or more kcal burned.
CLUB MASTER - Attain the rank of CLUB MASTER in CLUB MODE.
SUPERSTAR - Attain the rank of SUPERSTAR in CLUB MODE.
LEAD DANCER - Attain the rank of LEAD DANCER in CLUB MODE.
BACK DANCER - Attain the rank of BACK DANCER in CLUB MODE.
NEWCOMER - Attain the rank of NEWCOMER in CLUB MODE.
TRAINEE - Attain the rank of TRAINEE in CLUB MODE.
1000 COMBO! - Rack up 1,000 or more combos in CLUB MODE.
DANCE MASTER - Clear OTHER CLUBS in CLUB MODE with the number of songs set to 20.
Create spectacular videos! - Control the MOVE & STEP screen in VJ Mode.
Enjoy MOVE & STEP with Two Players! - Two players can enjoy MOVE & STEP.
FIRST EXPORT - Export your gameplay videos.
Silver trophies
BILLIONAIRE - Score 1,000,000,000 or more in CLUB MODE.
MOVE MASTER - Get at least one record on every song in MOVE & STEP (excluding downloaded songs).
Gold trophies
STAR COLLECTOR - Get 100 or more FULL COMBO marks in RECORDS in either FREE PLAY MODE or MOVE & STEP.
Platinum trophy
Get all the trophies - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
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ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
video game
Resonance of Fate PS3 Cheats
Unockable costumes:
During or after Chapter 7, select Leanne and look at the wardrobe in her room. Enter one of the following codes when she says "Hmm, I think that outfit is in here...", then press X to advance to the next line of dialogue and unlock the corresponding costume.
8-bit Girl - Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle, Square.
Club Famitsu - Press Triangle(2), Up(2), Square(2), Left(2), L1, R1.
Gemaga - Press R2, L2, L1, R1, Triangle(3), Square(2), Up.
Hirakou - Press Square, Triangle, L1(2), R1(2), L3(2), Up, Down.
Platform Logo - Press Left, Up, Right, Down, R1(2), L1(2), L3.
Politan Suit - Press R3(3), Right, Left, Triangle, Square, L2, R2, L1. Note: You must get the Reindeer Suit in Neverland first.
Easy money:
In Chapter 6 or later, the Combat Scope Betas cost 3,000 gold, one glass shard, and one scrap of iron to make. The wandering merchant sells glass shards for 200 gold and iron scraps for 150 gold. Combat Scope Betas sell for 4,100 gold. So you will make 750 gold per scope sold. The best time to do this is chapter 6-7, before the merchant starts wandering she is always at the Waterless Bridge. In Chapter 8+, she can be at Forsaken, the Waterless Bridge, or the Righteous Tower. Get into an enemy counter, run away, and check the location to see if she is there. Time phase changes also alter her position. Repeat as desired.
Chapter 14 Dungeon Mystery:
In Chapter 14, when you head to the dungeon to fight the boss, nothing seems to happen. Run through the bottom section, go back to the dungeon map and run around to the top entrance. Go all the way south through the dungeon again and there will be a switch sitting in the corner, look for it and flip it. When you flip it a gate opens allowing you to return to the initial area. Go all the way southeast (backtracking through previous areas) and the boss will appear.
New Game +:
Beat the game to unlock New Game+ mode in which you can start a new game with some of your previously acquired items and skills. You can also change your costume in Leanne's bedroom.
Keep Reanbell in her current costume:
In Chapter two of a new game +, go into ReanBell's (Leanne) bedroom and press x at her wardrobe. There is a secret button which when pressed, will allow you to keep Reanbell in her current costume rather than going into the pig t-shirt in the cutscene.
Bronze trophies
First Contact - A trophy for defeating your first enemy.
Maiden Mission - A trophy for clearing your first mission.
Bonus Hitter - A trophy for landing your first Bonus Hit on an airborne foe.
Tri-Attacker - A trophy for using your first Tri-Attack.
Hundred Plus Club - A trophy for raising a character's level to 100.
Bullet Barrage - A trophy for landing a combo of over 500 hits.
Resonance Miser - A trophy for storing over Resonance Points.
Hero Actor - A trophy for attacking over 1,000 times during Hero Actions.
Spite Monger - A trophy for landing over 100 Bonus Hits.
Extreme Spiker - A trophy for performing over 100 Smackdown attacks.
Professional Hunter - A trophy for defeating over 3,000 enemies.
Material Collector - A trophy for destroying over 3,000 enemy body parts.
Thousand Pitcher - A trophy for throwing over 1,000 attack items.
The Iron Fist - A trophy for defeating over 30 enemies with no weapon equipped.
Big Shot - A trophy for dealing over 2,000 damage in a single attack.
Material Creator - A trophy for having fused and scapped items over 200 times.
Shopaholic - A trophy for spending over 500,000 rubies on clothing and accessories.
Customaestro - A trophy for connecting over 10 custom parts to a firearm.
Basels' Repairman - A trophy for making over half of Basel's hexes accessible again.
Four-Terminal Chain - A trophy for connecting four distinct terminals.
Prologue Complete - A trophy for completing the Prologue.
Chapter 1 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 8.
Chapter 9 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 11.
Chapter 12 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 12.
Chapter 13 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 13.
Chapter 14 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 14.
Chapter 15 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 15.
Clear the Game - A trophy for completing the game. Congratulations!
Lap Two Rush - Start New Game Plus
Unison Assault - A trophy for defeating two or more enemies in a single attack.
An Unfortunate Accident - A trophy for taking out your own party member in an explosion.
Silver trophies
Tera-Driver - A trophy for loading over a terabit of data from the disc.
Disrespect Your Elders - A trophy for defeating the Elderly Man. He's with the stars now!
Basel's Liberator - A trophy for making all of Basel's hexes accessible again. Are you even human?!
Challenge Conqueror - A trophy for defeating the top-ranked team, the Last Line! Amazing!
Kings of Neverland - Finish Neverland.
Gold trophies
The Legendary Hunter - You've completed every mission in the game! The legend will never die!
Stardust Hunters - You've got a ? in every rank!
Lap Two Complete - Beat the game a second time.
Platinum trophy
Platinum Trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
During or after Chapter 7, select Leanne and look at the wardrobe in her room. Enter one of the following codes when she says "Hmm, I think that outfit is in here...", then press X to advance to the next line of dialogue and unlock the corresponding costume.
8-bit Girl - Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle, Square.
Club Famitsu - Press Triangle(2), Up(2), Square(2), Left(2), L1, R1.
Gemaga - Press R2, L2, L1, R1, Triangle(3), Square(2), Up.
Hirakou - Press Square, Triangle, L1(2), R1(2), L3(2), Up, Down.
Platform Logo - Press Left, Up, Right, Down, R1(2), L1(2), L3.
Politan Suit - Press R3(3), Right, Left, Triangle, Square, L2, R2, L1. Note: You must get the Reindeer Suit in Neverland first.
Easy money:
In Chapter 6 or later, the Combat Scope Betas cost 3,000 gold, one glass shard, and one scrap of iron to make. The wandering merchant sells glass shards for 200 gold and iron scraps for 150 gold. Combat Scope Betas sell for 4,100 gold. So you will make 750 gold per scope sold. The best time to do this is chapter 6-7, before the merchant starts wandering she is always at the Waterless Bridge. In Chapter 8+, she can be at Forsaken, the Waterless Bridge, or the Righteous Tower. Get into an enemy counter, run away, and check the location to see if she is there. Time phase changes also alter her position. Repeat as desired.
Chapter 14 Dungeon Mystery:
In Chapter 14, when you head to the dungeon to fight the boss, nothing seems to happen. Run through the bottom section, go back to the dungeon map and run around to the top entrance. Go all the way south through the dungeon again and there will be a switch sitting in the corner, look for it and flip it. When you flip it a gate opens allowing you to return to the initial area. Go all the way southeast (backtracking through previous areas) and the boss will appear.
New Game +:
Beat the game to unlock New Game+ mode in which you can start a new game with some of your previously acquired items and skills. You can also change your costume in Leanne's bedroom.
Keep Reanbell in her current costume:
In Chapter two of a new game +, go into ReanBell's (Leanne) bedroom and press x at her wardrobe. There is a secret button which when pressed, will allow you to keep Reanbell in her current costume rather than going into the pig t-shirt in the cutscene.
Bronze trophies
First Contact - A trophy for defeating your first enemy.
Maiden Mission - A trophy for clearing your first mission.
Bonus Hitter - A trophy for landing your first Bonus Hit on an airborne foe.
Tri-Attacker - A trophy for using your first Tri-Attack.
Hundred Plus Club - A trophy for raising a character's level to 100.
Bullet Barrage - A trophy for landing a combo of over 500 hits.
Resonance Miser - A trophy for storing over Resonance Points.
Hero Actor - A trophy for attacking over 1,000 times during Hero Actions.
Spite Monger - A trophy for landing over 100 Bonus Hits.
Extreme Spiker - A trophy for performing over 100 Smackdown attacks.
Professional Hunter - A trophy for defeating over 3,000 enemies.
Material Collector - A trophy for destroying over 3,000 enemy body parts.
Thousand Pitcher - A trophy for throwing over 1,000 attack items.
The Iron Fist - A trophy for defeating over 30 enemies with no weapon equipped.
Big Shot - A trophy for dealing over 2,000 damage in a single attack.
Material Creator - A trophy for having fused and scapped items over 200 times.
Shopaholic - A trophy for spending over 500,000 rubies on clothing and accessories.
Customaestro - A trophy for connecting over 10 custom parts to a firearm.
Basels' Repairman - A trophy for making over half of Basel's hexes accessible again.
Four-Terminal Chain - A trophy for connecting four distinct terminals.
Prologue Complete - A trophy for completing the Prologue.
Chapter 1 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 8.
Chapter 9 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 11.
Chapter 12 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 12.
Chapter 13 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 13.
Chapter 14 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 14.
Chapter 15 Complete - A trophy for completing Chapter 15.
Clear the Game - A trophy for completing the game. Congratulations!
Lap Two Rush - Start New Game Plus
Unison Assault - A trophy for defeating two or more enemies in a single attack.
An Unfortunate Accident - A trophy for taking out your own party member in an explosion.
Silver trophies
Tera-Driver - A trophy for loading over a terabit of data from the disc.
Disrespect Your Elders - A trophy for defeating the Elderly Man. He's with the stars now!
Basel's Liberator - A trophy for making all of Basel's hexes accessible again. Are you even human?!
Challenge Conqueror - A trophy for defeating the top-ranked team, the Last Line! Amazing!
Kings of Neverland - Finish Neverland.
Gold trophies
The Legendary Hunter - You've completed every mission in the game! The legend will never die!
Stardust Hunters - You've got a ? in every rank!
Lap Two Complete - Beat the game a second time.
Platinum trophy
Platinum Trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
Resonance of Fate,
The PS3,
video game
Dark Awake: The King Has No Name PS3 Cheats
Alternate characters:
To play as Ramda or Sandras arcade version, hold Select while choosing them at the character selection screen.
Unlockable characters:
Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:
Manticore - Highlight the random selection box at the bottom of the character selection screen, then hold Select and press [Weak Attack].
Thiele - Highlight the random selection box at the bottom of the character selection screen, then hold Select and press [Medium Attack].
To play as Ramda or Sandras arcade version, hold Select while choosing them at the character selection screen.
Unlockable characters:
Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:
Manticore - Highlight the random selection box at the bottom of the character selection screen, then hold Select and press [Weak Attack].
Thiele - Highlight the random selection box at the bottom of the character selection screen, then hold Select and press [Medium Attack].
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
Dark Awake,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The King Has No Name,
The PS3,
video game
MicroBot PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
Transmission - Enter the body.
Diving Deeper - Complete the 1st of 5 worlds.
Loco Motion - Beat a level using only movement parts.
Cold Blooded - Kill 25 nanite enemies that emerge when you kill larger organisms.
Silver trophies
Fully Buffed - Equip a bot with only max level parts.
Amoxicillin - Kill 1000 Bacteria.
Fullerene - Collect all 20 Bucky Balls.
Up and Atom - Amass 50,000 Atoms.
Micromania - Collect 'em all - parts, that is.
Survivor - Beat 3 rounds in Challenge Mode.
Team Player - Kill 25 enemies while using the Coop Link Gun.
Bronze trophies
Transmission - Enter the body.
Diving Deeper - Complete the 1st of 5 worlds.
Loco Motion - Beat a level using only movement parts.
Cold Blooded - Kill 25 nanite enemies that emerge when you kill larger organisms.
Silver trophies
Fully Buffed - Equip a bot with only max level parts.
Amoxicillin - Kill 1000 Bacteria.
Fullerene - Collect all 20 Bucky Balls.
Up and Atom - Amass 50,000 Atoms.
Micromania - Collect 'em all - parts, that is.
Survivor - Beat 3 rounds in Challenge Mode.
Team Player - Kill 25 enemies while using the Coop Link Gun.
cheat codes,
Cheats ps3,
ps3 cheat codes,
PS3 Cheats,
The PS3,
video game
Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
The Power Stone - Collected the Power Stone.
The Rhythm Stone - Collected the Rhythm Stone.
The Mind Stone - Collected the Mind Stone.
The Time Stone - Collected the Time Stone.
The Soul Stone - Collected the Soul Stone.
The Space Stone - Collected the Space Stone.
The Reality Stone - Collected the Reality Stone.
Squad Initiate - Completed Story Mode on Easy Difficulty.
Safety First - Defend the S.H.I.E.L.D. Building without losing a power node.
Elite Hack Master - Completed every Hack challenge.
Robo Racer - Completed every race challenge.
Stark Certified - Completed all of Iron Man's Heroic Feats.
Deadly Darling - Completed all of Black Widow's Heroic Feats.
Slice 'N Dice - Completed all of Wolverine's Heroic Feats.
T-Rex Nino - Completed all of Reptil's Heroic Feats.
The Hulkster - Completed all of Hulk's Heroic Feats.
Law and Order - Completed all of She Hulk's Heroic Feats.
The Human Rocket - Completed all of Nova's Heroic Feats.
Mighter then Thou! - Completed all of Thor's Heroic Feats.
Clearly Forceful - Completed all of Invisible Woman's Heroic Feats.
Woman with Vision - Completed all of Scarlet Witch's Heroic Feats.
Flying High - Completed all of Falcon's Heroic Feats.
Speed Thrills - Completed all of Quicksilver's Heroic Feats.
Webslinger - Completed all of Spider-man's Heroic Feats.
You've got the Super Power! - Collect all Power Stone Fragments.
You are feeling the Rhythm! - Collected all Rhythm Stone Fragments.
Time Management! - Collected all Time Stone Fragments.
Mind over Mind Fragments! - Collect all Mind Stone Fragments.
The Soul of a Hero! - Collected all Soul Stone Fragments.
Shiny Space Fragments! - Collected all Space Stone Fragments.
Reality Fragmented! - Collected all Reality Stone Fragments.
Heroic Attack! - Performed a Heroic attack.
Heroic Hero! - Defeat six or more enemies with a single heroic attack.
Deflected! - Reflected an enemies attack back at them.
Super Hero Up! - Revived a teammate.
Hero Punch - Broke through the defenses of a defending enemy.
The Large One! - Saved the Skrull Throne World from Galactus.
Jump Hero! - Barrel Jumping Hero.
Lost, then found, then lost again. - Defended the Hellicarrier from Assault… but lost the Infinity Stones.
The Overmaster's Underworld - Infiltrated Thanos' Hideout.
Patience is a Virtue - You waited calmly in Grandmaster’s Green Room.
Nothing is Forever - Saved Super Hero City and Redeemed Silver Surfer.
Silver trophies
Squad Member - Completed Story Mode on Normal Difficulty.
Challenge Master - Completed each challenge at least once.
Take that Villain! - Defeated an enemy with a parry.
Super Revive Hero - Revived a team mate 10 times.
Big Red - Complete all of Red Skull's Heroic Feats.
Cap! - Complete all of Captain America's Heroic Feats.
Not just a side kick - Complete all of Bucky's Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Squad Hero - Completed Story Mode on Challenging Difficulty.
Super Achiever! - Completed all Heroic Feats!
Fragment Collector - Collected all Stone Fragments.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"The Captain America Collection" trophies:
Silver trophies
Big Red - Complete all of Red Skull's Heroic Feats.
Cap! - Complete all of Captain America's Heroic Feats.
Not just a side kick - Complete all of Bucky's Heroic Feats.
"Doom On The Loose!" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Fear the might of Doom! - Defeated 50 Doombots as Doctor Doom.
Silver trophies
Stinky's Masterpiece - Completed all of Abomination's Heroic Feats.
Doom's Domination - Completed all of Dr. Doom's Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Best laid plans - Escaped from the Helicarrer.
"The Thanos Throwdown" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Last Titan Standing - Survived the Trials of Thanos.
Silver trophies
Mad Titan - Completed all of Thanos' Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Flawless Victory - Fought flawlessly through one wave of Trials of Thanos.
Bronze trophies
The Power Stone - Collected the Power Stone.
The Rhythm Stone - Collected the Rhythm Stone.
The Mind Stone - Collected the Mind Stone.
The Time Stone - Collected the Time Stone.
The Soul Stone - Collected the Soul Stone.
The Space Stone - Collected the Space Stone.
The Reality Stone - Collected the Reality Stone.
Squad Initiate - Completed Story Mode on Easy Difficulty.
Safety First - Defend the S.H.I.E.L.D. Building without losing a power node.
Elite Hack Master - Completed every Hack challenge.
Robo Racer - Completed every race challenge.
Stark Certified - Completed all of Iron Man's Heroic Feats.
Deadly Darling - Completed all of Black Widow's Heroic Feats.
Slice 'N Dice - Completed all of Wolverine's Heroic Feats.
T-Rex Nino - Completed all of Reptil's Heroic Feats.
The Hulkster - Completed all of Hulk's Heroic Feats.
Law and Order - Completed all of She Hulk's Heroic Feats.
The Human Rocket - Completed all of Nova's Heroic Feats.
Mighter then Thou! - Completed all of Thor's Heroic Feats.
Clearly Forceful - Completed all of Invisible Woman's Heroic Feats.
Woman with Vision - Completed all of Scarlet Witch's Heroic Feats.
Flying High - Completed all of Falcon's Heroic Feats.
Speed Thrills - Completed all of Quicksilver's Heroic Feats.
Webslinger - Completed all of Spider-man's Heroic Feats.
You've got the Super Power! - Collect all Power Stone Fragments.
You are feeling the Rhythm! - Collected all Rhythm Stone Fragments.
Time Management! - Collected all Time Stone Fragments.
Mind over Mind Fragments! - Collect all Mind Stone Fragments.
The Soul of a Hero! - Collected all Soul Stone Fragments.
Shiny Space Fragments! - Collected all Space Stone Fragments.
Reality Fragmented! - Collected all Reality Stone Fragments.
Heroic Attack! - Performed a Heroic attack.
Heroic Hero! - Defeat six or more enemies with a single heroic attack.
Deflected! - Reflected an enemies attack back at them.
Super Hero Up! - Revived a teammate.
Hero Punch - Broke through the defenses of a defending enemy.
The Large One! - Saved the Skrull Throne World from Galactus.
Jump Hero! - Barrel Jumping Hero.
Lost, then found, then lost again. - Defended the Hellicarrier from Assault… but lost the Infinity Stones.
The Overmaster's Underworld - Infiltrated Thanos' Hideout.
Patience is a Virtue - You waited calmly in Grandmaster’s Green Room.
Nothing is Forever - Saved Super Hero City and Redeemed Silver Surfer.
Silver trophies
Squad Member - Completed Story Mode on Normal Difficulty.
Challenge Master - Completed each challenge at least once.
Take that Villain! - Defeated an enemy with a parry.
Super Revive Hero - Revived a team mate 10 times.
Big Red - Complete all of Red Skull's Heroic Feats.
Cap! - Complete all of Captain America's Heroic Feats.
Not just a side kick - Complete all of Bucky's Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Squad Hero - Completed Story Mode on Challenging Difficulty.
Super Achiever! - Completed all Heroic Feats!
Fragment Collector - Collected all Stone Fragments.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"The Captain America Collection" trophies:
Silver trophies
Big Red - Complete all of Red Skull's Heroic Feats.
Cap! - Complete all of Captain America's Heroic Feats.
Not just a side kick - Complete all of Bucky's Heroic Feats.
"Doom On The Loose!" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Fear the might of Doom! - Defeated 50 Doombots as Doctor Doom.
Silver trophies
Stinky's Masterpiece - Completed all of Abomination's Heroic Feats.
Doom's Domination - Completed all of Dr. Doom's Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Best laid plans - Escaped from the Helicarrer.
"The Thanos Throwdown" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Last Titan Standing - Survived the Trials of Thanos.
Silver trophies
Mad Titan - Completed all of Thanos' Heroic Feats.
Gold trophies
Flawless Victory - Fought flawlessly through one wave of Trials of Thanos.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Madden NFL 07 PS3 Cheats
Madden cards:
Unlock the following Madden cards by entering the corresponding codes:
'58 Colts - B57QLU
'66 Packers - 1PL1FL
'68 Jets - MIE6WO
'70 Browns - CL2TOE
'72 Dolphins - NOEB7U
'74 Steelers - YO0FLA
'76 Raiders - MOA11I
'77 Broncos - C8UM7U
'78 Dolphins - VIU0O7
'80 Raiders - NLAPH3
'81 Chargers - COAGI4
'82 Redskins - WL8BRI
'83 Raiders - H0EW7I
'84 Dolphins - M1AM1E
'85 Bears - QOETO8
'86 Giants - ZI8S2L
'88 49ers - SP2A8H
'90 Eagles - 2L4TRO
'91 Lions - J1ETRI
'92 Cowboys - W9UVI9
'93 Bills - DLA3I7
'94 49ers - DR7EST
'96 Packers - F8LUST
'98 Broncos - FIES95
'99 Rams - S9OUSW
Aloha Stadium - YI8P8U
Super Bowl XLI - RLA9R7
Super Bowl XLII - WRLUF8
Super Bowl XLIII - NIEV4A
Super Bowl XLIV - M5AB7L
Lame Duck card:
To unlock the Lame Duck card, enter "5LAWO0". It makes your opponent throw only lob passes for one half.
Mistake Free card:
To unlock the Mistake Free card, enter "XL7SP1". It prevents you from fumbling or throwing an interception.
QB on Target card:
To unlock the QB on target card, enter "WROA0R". It gives your QB 100% accuracy for one half.
Create "Freak" players:
Reach the following Madden levels to create the corresponding "Freak" players:
Madden level 10 - Freak Kicker, Punter, Tight End, and Offensive Lineman.
Madden level 15 - Freak Halfback, Fullback, and Defensive Lineman.
Madden level 20 - Freak Wide Receiver, Middle Linebacker, and Outside Linebacker.
Madden level 30 - Freak Quarterback, Cornerback, Free Safety, and Strong Safety.
Movie answers:
One more set
Question 1 = 3
Question 2 = 2
Question 3 = 2
Question 4 = 3
Question 5 = 2
The young fella
Question 1 = 1
Question 2 = 2
Question 3 = 2
The prosciutto
Question 1 = 2
Quesiton 2 = 3
Question 3 = 2
Air hockey 101
Question 1 = 2
Question 2 = 4
Question 3 = 3
Steelers quick punt glitch:
On 4th down with the Steelers go to shotgun normal with one tight end and three wide receivers. Select "Quick Punt." When you snap the ball your quarterback will quickly punt the ball. Run to the ball and just start running for a touchdown. If the ball goes out of the endzone the other team gets a safety. This only works on 4th down.
Better agents in superstar mode:
To make more agents want to sign with you, answer the interview questions as a team player.
Avoid injuries:
If you think your player has just gotten injured, hurry up the play and they should get back up.
Cheaper players in franchise mode:
In the off season when re-signing a player, you can save money by changing a players position. Go to the roster and player management to change their position. You must have an excess of players in the position you are changing from to allow the players position to be changed.
First round picks:
To get first round picks, turn off the trade deadline. At the last week of the season, trade for first round picks with the team that has the worst record.
Control kickoff/punt bounce direction:
Hold L2 and use the d-pad to control the direction you want the ball to bounce during a kickoff or punt.
Unlock the following Madden cards by entering the corresponding codes:
'58 Colts - B57QLU
'66 Packers - 1PL1FL
'68 Jets - MIE6WO
'70 Browns - CL2TOE
'72 Dolphins - NOEB7U
'74 Steelers - YO0FLA
'76 Raiders - MOA11I
'77 Broncos - C8UM7U
'78 Dolphins - VIU0O7
'80 Raiders - NLAPH3
'81 Chargers - COAGI4
'82 Redskins - WL8BRI
'83 Raiders - H0EW7I
'84 Dolphins - M1AM1E
'85 Bears - QOETO8
'86 Giants - ZI8S2L
'88 49ers - SP2A8H
'90 Eagles - 2L4TRO
'91 Lions - J1ETRI
'92 Cowboys - W9UVI9
'93 Bills - DLA3I7
'94 49ers - DR7EST
'96 Packers - F8LUST
'98 Broncos - FIES95
'99 Rams - S9OUSW
Aloha Stadium - YI8P8U
Super Bowl XLI - RLA9R7
Super Bowl XLII - WRLUF8
Super Bowl XLIII - NIEV4A
Super Bowl XLIV - M5AB7L
Lame Duck card:
To unlock the Lame Duck card, enter "5LAWO0". It makes your opponent throw only lob passes for one half.
Mistake Free card:
To unlock the Mistake Free card, enter "XL7SP1". It prevents you from fumbling or throwing an interception.
QB on Target card:
To unlock the QB on target card, enter "WROA0R". It gives your QB 100% accuracy for one half.
Create "Freak" players:
Reach the following Madden levels to create the corresponding "Freak" players:
Madden level 10 - Freak Kicker, Punter, Tight End, and Offensive Lineman.
Madden level 15 - Freak Halfback, Fullback, and Defensive Lineman.
Madden level 20 - Freak Wide Receiver, Middle Linebacker, and Outside Linebacker.
Madden level 30 - Freak Quarterback, Cornerback, Free Safety, and Strong Safety.
Movie answers:
One more set
Question 1 = 3
Question 2 = 2
Question 3 = 2
Question 4 = 3
Question 5 = 2
The young fella
Question 1 = 1
Question 2 = 2
Question 3 = 2
The prosciutto
Question 1 = 2
Quesiton 2 = 3
Question 3 = 2
Air hockey 101
Question 1 = 2
Question 2 = 4
Question 3 = 3
Steelers quick punt glitch:
On 4th down with the Steelers go to shotgun normal with one tight end and three wide receivers. Select "Quick Punt." When you snap the ball your quarterback will quickly punt the ball. Run to the ball and just start running for a touchdown. If the ball goes out of the endzone the other team gets a safety. This only works on 4th down.
Better agents in superstar mode:
To make more agents want to sign with you, answer the interview questions as a team player.
Avoid injuries:
If you think your player has just gotten injured, hurry up the play and they should get back up.
Cheaper players in franchise mode:
In the off season when re-signing a player, you can save money by changing a players position. Go to the roster and player management to change their position. You must have an excess of players in the position you are changing from to allow the players position to be changed.
First round picks:
To get first round picks, turn off the trade deadline. At the last week of the season, trade for first round picks with the team that has the worst record.
Control kickoff/punt bounce direction:
Hold L2 and use the d-pad to control the direction you want the ball to bounce during a kickoff or punt.
Madden NFL 08 PS3 Cheats
Cheat codes:
Unlock the following teams/players by pressing the corresponding sequences of buttons at the main menu:
Hall of Famers - square, X, triangle, circle, R1, R2, L1, L2.
Pro-Bowl teams - R1, R2, L1, L2, circle.
Unlock all teams - R1, R2, square, triangle, triangle, circle.
3 or 4 human players on same team:
To play with four players on the same team, do the following: Player 2 must be using a wireless controller. Turn three controllers on, and choose the same team with the first two controllers. When the game begins, press Start with controller 1. Turn off controller 2. Set all three controllers to the same team. Turn back on controller 2 just before resuming the game.
To get four human players on the same team do the above and press start on controller 3. Turn controllers 1 and 2 off. With controller 3 go to the controller setup and move player 4 to the same team as player 3. Turn controllers 1 and 2 back on just before resuming the game.
1st round picks:
Turn off the trade deadline. At the last week of the season trade for first round picks with the team that has the worst record.
Bonus teams:
To unlock NFC hall of fame, AFC hall of fame, dummies, glaciers, receivers, and tridents, defeat them in Fantasy Challenge mode. They are in the Supreme league. You can also buy their Madden cards for 100 tokens.
Hide plays from friends:
To hide a play, hold X while the play you want to select is highlighted. Then, move to another play while continuing to hold X. Release X to go to the field.
Unlock the following teams/players by pressing the corresponding sequences of buttons at the main menu:
Hall of Famers - square, X, triangle, circle, R1, R2, L1, L2.
Pro-Bowl teams - R1, R2, L1, L2, circle.
Unlock all teams - R1, R2, square, triangle, triangle, circle.
3 or 4 human players on same team:
To play with four players on the same team, do the following: Player 2 must be using a wireless controller. Turn three controllers on, and choose the same team with the first two controllers. When the game begins, press Start with controller 1. Turn off controller 2. Set all three controllers to the same team. Turn back on controller 2 just before resuming the game.
To get four human players on the same team do the above and press start on controller 3. Turn controllers 1 and 2 off. With controller 3 go to the controller setup and move player 4 to the same team as player 3. Turn controllers 1 and 2 back on just before resuming the game.
1st round picks:
Turn off the trade deadline. At the last week of the season trade for first round picks with the team that has the worst record.
Bonus teams:
To unlock NFC hall of fame, AFC hall of fame, dummies, glaciers, receivers, and tridents, defeat them in Fantasy Challenge mode. They are in the Supreme league. You can also buy their Madden cards for 100 tokens.
Hide plays from friends:
To hide a play, hold X while the play you want to select is highlighted. Then, move to another play while continuing to hold X. Release X to go to the field.
Madden NFL 09 PS3 Cheats
Training players tip:
To make training easier, substitute players on the opposing teams for players with lower ratings.
Cheaper players:
In the off-season when re-signing a player, you can save money by changing a players position to one that they are not skilled at. Go to the roster and player management to change their position. You must have an excess of players in the position you are changing from to allow the players position to be changed.
Select any player in Superstar mode:
Go to "My Madden" > "Rosters" > "Player Management" > "NFL Greats". Release the player you want to use. Then, go to 'Free Agents' and put the player on a team. Start Superstar mode as a rookie and find your player. Also, created players will show up as rookies and can be used.
Easy touchdowns:
To score easily, get a spread set with two receivers on one side. Then, do a hot route on the inside receiver and press the Right Analog-stick in the opposite direction of the quarterback, making an outer slant.
12 tips:
1. Use a quick audible when the defense looks prepared for your play.
2. Hurrying through the drills in the madden test will cause your madden IQ to suffer.
3. Playing superstar as a tight end allows you to play as a lineman and a wide receiver.
4. Trigger touchdown celebrations by entering into endzone hotspots after scoring.
5. Use the 'FG block return' play whenever a long FG is attempted.
6. Use the stiff arm special move to break more tackles.
7. Use ea rewind to re-attempt a play.
8. Use the 'bluff play' selection to hide plays from your friends.
9. Create new offensive and defensive plays in 'NFL head coach 09' and import them into madden.
10. Press a button or move the highlight stick while getting tackled to attempt to break out of it.
11. When you finish a game, advance to the virtual trainer to improve your weaknesses.
12. You can play madden 93 with the 20th anniversary collector’s edition.
To make training easier, substitute players on the opposing teams for players with lower ratings.
Cheaper players:
In the off-season when re-signing a player, you can save money by changing a players position to one that they are not skilled at. Go to the roster and player management to change their position. You must have an excess of players in the position you are changing from to allow the players position to be changed.
Select any player in Superstar mode:
Go to "My Madden" > "Rosters" > "Player Management" > "NFL Greats". Release the player you want to use. Then, go to 'Free Agents' and put the player on a team. Start Superstar mode as a rookie and find your player. Also, created players will show up as rookies and can be used.
Easy touchdowns:
To score easily, get a spread set with two receivers on one side. Then, do a hot route on the inside receiver and press the Right Analog-stick in the opposite direction of the quarterback, making an outer slant.
12 tips:
1. Use a quick audible when the defense looks prepared for your play.
2. Hurrying through the drills in the madden test will cause your madden IQ to suffer.
3. Playing superstar as a tight end allows you to play as a lineman and a wide receiver.
4. Trigger touchdown celebrations by entering into endzone hotspots after scoring.
5. Use the 'FG block return' play whenever a long FG is attempted.
6. Use the stiff arm special move to break more tackles.
7. Use ea rewind to re-attempt a play.
8. Use the 'bluff play' selection to hide plays from your friends.
9. Create new offensive and defensive plays in 'NFL head coach 09' and import them into madden.
10. Press a button or move the highlight stick while getting tackled to attempt to break out of it.
11. When you finish a game, advance to the virtual trainer to improve your weaknesses.
12. You can play madden 93 with the 20th anniversary collector’s edition.
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